Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Clinical Decision Making Free Sample
Question: Quality nursing care is dependent on good clinical decision making which in turn is based on accurate clinical judgement. Discuss the significant clinical judgement process used in clinical decision making. Answer: Introduction: Nursing is the practical application based job and course including the protection, and optimization of health and the prevention regarding the illness and injury of the patients, conferring a facilitation of healing, and releasing the patient from pain sustaining to healing, alleviation, of suffering from the diagnosis and the treatment on the response of the human. The pleasure of conferring health and relief to the patient is the main objective for the nursing subject and practical agenda. The advocacy includes in the care of the individuals, families, groups, and the populations. The protection and the health promotion supplied by the nursing students and workers include immense humbleness towards the patients. The focus that is growing on providing the high quality care in the professionalism of nursing involves the quality of the activities, as a result, increases the potential of the service in the future years. With the help of active participations in the quality program the nurses increase the potential of the entire profession which potently stimulates the work. Therefore, quality nursing can be described as the professional gesture that directly and indirectly includes the increase in the health condition of the patients to whom the nurses serve. The much work that defines and outline the safety of the patients including the positive as well as the negative impact on the health care of the patients. Nurses undergo the critical and most crucial jobs in proliferating a surveillance and coordination which involves in the reduction of the harmful and adverse outcome in the medical field (Andr, B et., 2014). The judgmental decision in the nursing courses includes the potential healthcare systems which efficiently promotes the health gain and benefit of the patient and prevent from health harm. Throughout the world it has been evaluated that the judgment and the decision which are made by the clinicians which may be improved including the facts such as: to raise the quality of the nursing the judgments and the decisions including the health systems to improvise the process and the outcome of the process. The interventions are likely to improvise the judgment and decisions processes and outcomes. There includes a huge heritage research in the field of decision making and judgment. The nursing course is supposed to assume the experience as well as the face to face study which generally encourages getting most out of the entire course. Prior to the knowledge, the experience, and the outer knowledge include the main factor for the nursing. The course generally includes the critical thinking, decision making, priority setting, and critical thinking as well, etc. the application of the clinical prospect of the nursing course. The decisions and the judgment in the nursing course include the practical and the hand on vision to the people who undergoing the process of nursing. The stipulated course includes the depth knowledge and also focuses on evidence based on the clinical decision making theories and the practical evidences. The nurses have probably been focused due to the decisions that are included and produce an important implication for the possible outcomes of the patients. The entire nursing course is under the increment of making policy in order to create an active decision by the decision makers. The clinical observations include definite procedural steps, such as: face to face as well and oral knowledge gain which conveys an efficient role in gaining the actual knowledge, which is followed by the observations of the process the verbal as well as the hand on exp erience convey more efficient observations regarding the process. Social and clinical factors that factor in the judgment and decision making of the nurses are: socio-economic structure, social beliefs, workplace culture, hands-on training, exposure to critical cases, clinical arrangements of the health sector, the laws of the country also features prominently in the decision making capability of the nurses. Surveys have revealed that the decision making of nurses indicate the conceptual understanding of the situation impacts the judgment of the nurses as well as other health professionals (Zuriguel Prez et al., 2015). This observation is followed by the reasoning on the stipulated observations, and this is a reversible process as well. The most important part is the critical thinking which is generally a follow-up and reversible process after the reasoning on the process. The final and the critical part of the process include the critical judgment which includes the main processing unit of the entire process. These entire processes are correlated with the knowledge and the experience enhanced in the process (Angus et al., 2012). Discussion: The quality nursing care is eventually related to the good decision making which is particularly based on the accurate clinical judgment. This also emphasizes on the learners who can critically analyze the significance of the judgmental process used by the nurses. The nurses are supposed to deal with a broad range of the issues that are eventually relates to the condition of the patients individually. This efficiency includes the complications and the improvements which are predominantly related with the annotations to the clinical records. It major involves the communication with the patients and the physicians, such as the humble relationship between the patients and the nurses. Therefore, it can be said that the clinical judgment is the ultimate conclusion which shows the opinion that is made on the arrival of the nurses including the procedure of observation, reflection, and analysis of the of the observed information and the data. The judgments guide the decisions and the action s, which are not only included with the nurses but also includes the physician and the other care providers, etc. (You et al., 2013). Therefore, it is essential for the nurses to increase the observation and the reasoning capability for the reliable clinical decisions and the judgmental procedures. The clinical decision includes the following steps such as like the principles which are involved in the clinical decision makings, the core skills involved in the core critical decision making, the entire process of the decision making and the power of the shared decision making. The principles of the core critical decision makings involve the manifestation of the value and the fact which are behind the entire process of the decision making. Whereas the core skills of the decision making include the core and the detailed process of the steps of the decision making which are to be discussed below. The next is the decision making process which includes the characteristics and the factors a nd the criteria which support the entire judgmental process in the medical field of the nursing professionals. The factors which are involved in the spectrum of the decision making are the spectrum used for the intuition and the experiences which make the decisions (Bensinger, 2015). Factors affecting the judgmental process: The nursing professional is an individual having the essential knowledge of a subject which helps them to manage the serious human health matters (Vezeau, 2015). The clinical judgment acts as a vital tool for the nursing professionals. The responsibility of the professionals is to understand the problematic issues and to manage the serious health issues. The professional should involve the clear understanding the elements and provide the actual outcome of the situations. The sensory and the intellectual abilities of the professionals to make a judgment according to the critical health issues, includes a blending. The critical judgment does not only confines to identifying the problems but also seeking the broad ranges of possibilities. It also includes the speed and the ability of the nurses to make a prosperous and efficient clinical judgment which may affect their experiences. The main concept of the entire critical judgment includes the formal practice and overcoming the difficult ies of the judgment. It also describes the process and the phenomenon of the experience and difficulties of the essential skills and processes of the entire judgment system. Though there are many obstacles which may be included in the judgment process. These barriers are overcome by the judgment process including certain trainings of the professionals to provide a definite service to the patients. The respective functional aspects of the judgment include, 1) empirical- this includes the stemming of the data; 2) conceptual- its generally associates with the observations; 3) rational: I is developed with the help of the applications and the data of the results; 4) decision making- it is actually amplified to make a responsible decisions. Therefore, it is said to be the focusing of the thought process to make an outcome in the clinical judgment. Each piece of individual data is considered and accessed by the professionals and also indentify it logically for the benefit in the process o f judgment (Burrell, 2014). Factors affecting the decision-making capability of the nurses are: (1) Authority- the authority and the permission required for each person to do something delays the decision process thus it is better to have a decentralized decision making system. (2) Ethical Consideration- the ethical issues involved are the promises of confidentiality, autonomy for the participation. But in critical cases and situations it is not possible for the nurses to consider all aspects to save lives thus it is important to relax the ethical consideration for swift decision making.(3) Feeling of Competence- all employees working in a industry look for some kind of recognition for the hard work done by the them. Praises and proper recognition helps the productivity of the nurses when they take good care of the patients. The experience and the skill of the nurse play a role in efficient productivity. Proper use of the skills and technical expertise by the nurses increases the efficiency of the team of healt h professionals who work as a team to save a life under their care. The future aspects are trending on two line of approach for the future. The first is in increasing the unbiased and systemic unbiased training of technical and non-technical skills in healthcare industry. New tools and training regime are being developed. These are aimed at capturing the skillful people and train them objectively for excellence. Development and standardization of the training regime and tools are made for nurses to help them make efficient in taking decisions (Limoges, 2015). Analysis of critical questions: The evaluation of the judgment includes total 5 stages. The stages are such as: 1) novice- it includes the limit of the experience and the knowledge. It also involves the critical judgment in an analytical and effective way. 2) beginner- it contains a certain experience and knowledge which actually recognizes the aspects and the factors of the judgment. 3) Competent- the nurses possesses with practical experiences and the verbal knowledge of the judgment. It involves the interventions and the effective planning of the critical judgment process which are conducted by the nurse professionals. The nurses are consciously and deliberately process with the respective actions which are required for the health benefit of the patients (Turner et al., 2016). The register even leads to a greater prospect. 4) Proficient- it is the process to manage the inability of the nursing care towards the patients. The knowledge can be transferred though the means of new circumstances. It also identifies th e priority of the judgment. The overall process of the judgment includes the effective facts responsible. 5) Effort- it is the latest evaluation span of the judgment process. It takes after the time of about 5 years. It includes higher intensions, the summarize facts of the main properties of the judgment process. It involved dealing with the complex situations which are involved in the entire critical judgment process for the nursing professionals (Chan, 2013). Characteristics of the process: There are various characteristics of the profession and the critical judgment processes. Some of the characteristics include a complex and organized activity. Therefore, the complexity comes when the professionals include high care for the health of the patients. The organized way of working and creating skills on judgment process is essential for the health of the human. One of the vital characters is the long-term training program. The long-term training program is essential in focusing in delivering the exclusive knowledge in the aspect of the judgment process in the nursing professional. Submitting an essential service to the society is an important factor involved in the judgment process, and also includes the certain level of autonomy that is taken in the action of the entire process. The next important factor that includes the characteristics is the essential orders and the tasks which are included in the decision making in the critical judgment process in the nursing course. The decision making of the critical judgment process in the nursing profession also includes the therapeutic plans which generally reflect the process of the care and the intricacies. The therapeutic nursing plan includes the intensive care and also involves the legal footprints of the team administering care (Scanlon, 2014). Two main process of making the critical judgment of the nursing course includes qualitative, quantitative analysis of the decision making helps to provide improved theories that helps to triangulate the pros and cons of the decision making the process more accurate respectively. The next emerging trend in the health industry is to form teams where the decision making will be an endeavor taken by the team. The team takes all the consequences and the social antecedents. These skills and processes of the entire judgment system overcome the obstacles which may be included in the judgment process. These obstacles are overcome by the judgment process including certai n training of the professionals to provide a definite service. This kind of team effort has the following advantages they are: (a) the decision making process becomes more coordinated and communication among the team member increases. Good communication between the team helps various member of the team to make efficient decisions (Dahl, 2014). (b) Team work makes the implementation of the decision making process more easy. Within a team the presence of senior and junior members for example Head Nurse or Matron and trainee nurse helps in passing on knowledge also helps the trainee nurse to learn how to care for the patient more efficiently. The coordination between senior and junior team members establishes a harmony since they may hail from different backgrounds but working in a close professional setting helps to overcome the barrier. This allows them to enquire and ask questions, curiosity enable them to gain knowledge regarding how to handle tricky situations (de Oliveira et al., 2015). (c) Nurses with their traditionally close relationship with the patients offer a unique perspective to other health professional about the patient comfort and support system. The decision making process is based on the response of the patient for each action taken by the health care professional. Medical and Clinical judgments: Palliative care is also the included in these decision making process where the palliative team takes care of patients suffering from long-term or chronic diseases like Cancer, COPD and so on. Teams working in multidisciplinary format when dealing with cancer patient and their treatment require exemplary accuracy in decision-making. Because these decisions can save a life. Nurses in these teams have an important role to play because they remain in close contact with the patient and the patient family (Salsali et al., 2013). Understanding of professional and social contribution of the nurses is required by the doctors and other health professionals; it should be understood by the management team (Human Resources). These helps to better ascertain and clarify the role of the nurse in the team. Relevant skills of the nurses can be honed when their roles with respect to patient care is understood (Dellefield et al., 2015). The critical judgmental process of the nursing professional and in medicine includes the medical judgment and the clinical judgment. The medical judgment includes the identification of the disease of the patients, the development and the appropriate treatment which are related to the respective disease, also includes the cure of the symptoms of the disease which can become chronic and harmful for the society and the health of the people. Therefore the process of good judgment, it involves the formation of a focused clinical question. The nurses have to implement those judgments into making a strategy. The prevention for the complications also includes total support to the disease. The preventions also include the prevention from the relapses. The next medical judgment includes the limiting of the disease and manipulates the side effects of the complications of the health problems related to the patients (DeLuca et al., 2015). On the other hand the clinical judgment leads to the ident ification and the interpretation legally about the symptoms of the disease of the patients. It also leads to the planning of the care or prevent the complications of the disease. The nurses acquire the knowledge to implement and enhance the strength of the patients. With the helping of the patients the physical, psychological, as well as the spiritual manipulation of the health condition of the patients. The management of the nurses to support the dignity and the necessary health condition of the patients who are suffering from harmful health conditions (Duncan et al., 2015). Nurses are people who have a greater responsibility when the attending doctor is not present. Their decisions have important implications for patients. They are active decision makers in health care industry. Encouragement of the nurses to make active decisions in times of need is important in times of emergencies. The nurses have to make evidence-based decision making. Which is equivalent to another type of decision making but it involves taking into account a range of options (Roberts, 2015). Options can range from immediate action to Wait-and-see strategy. The capability of the nurses to evaluate a situation is of utmost importance. Analyzing a situation, recognizing key factors in patient health. The process of using clinical judgment sometimes is based on the use of clinical research evidence. Although to take the clinical research evidence for making a decision is solely up to the nurse. Critical analysis of the research evidence is needed for taking good decisions regarding we llbeing of the patient. The internal and external validity of the decisions are based on the evidence established by the research. To make a good judgment, it involves the formation of a focused clinical question. The nurses have to implement those judgments into making a strategy. These strategies are then incorporated into taking an action. After taking an action it is important to evaluate the effects and side-effects of those decisions and actions taken. These processes are important in making evidence-based decision-making (Eliason et al., 2013). The Evidence-based decision-making is an approach that helps in making choices. The choices are based on ideas and theories that are used for improving the decision-making in real world. Evidence based decision making has a motive for reducing the uncertainty that arises from research based results. The results when validated in the real world are trusted more by people and thus are used for making important decisions. The decision that the nurses make are very critical since lives of people depend on it. Any uncertainty in the research can lead to faulty decisions and even loss of life. The inherent personalities of nurses suggest they prefer to support their rationale with the existing practices (Grace et al., 2013). Responsibilities of the nurses: The complexity and frequency of the decision-making depends on the amount of patient that are under the care of the nurses. Daily each nurse had to deal with various number of patient, each patient have different problems. The patients that come in to the hospital have different kinds of emergency. Each case had to be dealt individually. The nurses have to make decisions regarding each case with the same level of accuracy. Judgment and decision-making are important aspects of the professional skills and their identity. Judgment can be defined as the weighing of different options given to the nurses and other health professionals while decision making is analyzing those options and taking suitable actions. Decision-making is one of the important non-technical skills required for progressing in the health sector. The skill of decision making is more important than inherent knowledge and technical know-how. Technical competence although is important for implementation of the decision. N ursing judgment and decision making contribute significantly to the quality of patient care. The multidisciplinary approach of the decision making requires the nurses to multitask. Multitasking and keeping equal accuracy in all aspects of judgment is a hard task when the numbers of patients the nurses have to treat are varied and the level of complexity is different. The decisions of nurses normally had to within a structured protocol and in occasions where emergencies arise, the decisions taken have to show that the nurse had the best interest of the patient when taking the decision. These exceptions to the rule judgment are to be taken ethically (Hanson, 2013). Significance of decision making: The importance of decision making in the health sector is paramount. In recent times where the hospitals are run according to shift-working and there is a marked decrease in patient ownership, this means that the nurses skill in decision making are increasing in requirement in modern health care teams. The nurses are required to play an active role and to function as an effective team member. They have to ensure safety and comfort of the patient in between transferring of shifts, streamlining the care system so that the patient is not left unattended. The current research in the field of nurse decision making is likely to expand. The qualitative, quantitative analysis of the decision making helps to provide improved theories that helps to triangulate the pros and cons of the decision making process more accurate (Kucukaydin, 2013). Critical aspects and analysis of critical questionings: The clinical judgment is the vital and essential ways to utilize and gain the reflective ability as well as the knowledge that have the understanding of the conditions and the required needs of the patients. The significance is the involvement of the minimal information. The extreme clinical judgment in the standard of the therapeutic axis of the hospitalization, housing, or home follow up including the ambulatory service is controlled and managed by the judgmental process and critical care of the nurses. Therefore the most important fact is that the nursing therapeutic plan, which shows that the requirement which has become the priority of the problem for the patients. The examples that are provided are by the Q.I.I.Q, which is actually the hip prosthesis or any other medical diagnosis that have become the priority of the human who are suffering from harmful and the chronic disease. The aspect of the minimal information that require the Q.I.I.Q over the past few decades shows as th e vital and the important factor for the improvement of the judgmental process in the nursing profession (Rayo et al., 2013). Various conceptual and knowledge based researches reflect that the judgmental process as the vital key in the course of nursing along with the quality care which is provided by the nurses to the harmful patients. The world has striven to construct a difference between the nursing and the medical profession to give the nurses a relative concept in the field of anatomy. Therefore, it also shows a great line of description for the educators and the logical justifications holders. In the last few generations the students of nursing have been striving for constructing a well established fact to dissolve the differences between the nursing and the medical professions. Therefore the judgmental process and the critical questions are to be the most vital step for the nursing professionals to prove the maximum cure and care of them toward the patients and can drag the patient out of the critical conditions of their harmful and serious condition in the medical health (Lockwood, 2015). Medical science and nursing profession: It is specified that the clinical judgments that are not linked with particular subject. The nurses are with efficient ability to process the applications of the research and the practices which are related to curing the health of the patients. This phenomenon is the potential fact of the medical sciences. It is to be noted that the health care help and the quality cure is totally responsible on the duty and efficiency of the nurse in any critical aspect of the medical purposes. This is to also be noted that this criteria is most important in the course of nursing which eventually describes the heath of the patients (Nikbakht et al., 2014). The interventions are created to improve the judgment factor for the critical patients, including the intellectual and educational resources, which partially and fully enhance the effect of the nursing quality and cure measurement to the unhealthy people. There are various evidences which are included in the fact that have the potential agenda in the judgmental questioning and action process. The training and the developmental prospect of the entire experience involves the fundamental cause and characteristics which generally focus on the improvement of the judgment process in the field of medicine. The researchers as well as the educators feel the importance of the entire course and their service in the medicinal field. The physicians convey a similar role of that of the nurses, but shows line of discrimination in between the two. Various studies and project have been manifestated in the program of the judgment questioning and capability in managing the situations by the nurses with the help of the initial diagnosis and the critical questionings to the patients. The quality service and the critical interrogations to the patients serve as the vita part of the entire process involving the results of the efficient training, nursing practice and the developmental experience of the students which they have been conducted in thei r course of studying. This also highlights on the practices and the way of the verbal and the visual knowledge which have been gained by the nursing professional to conduct in their practical life where they have to deal with the actual patients will severe illness and critical diseases (McKie et al., 2014). Conclusion: Other than the observation and the extreme level of the observations allow the nursing professionals to associate with the information they acquire from the health data of the patients. Therefore establishing relationships with the patient would increase to gain the unknown as well as the known facts that are related to the health of the patients. The judgmental decisions are to interpret and analyze the data at the hand from both the critical and the rational prospective and the symptoms which would initiate in the study of the judgmental processes. Using of the clinical as well as the medical judgmental includes allow the nurses to identify the signs and the symptoms of the health condition of the patient. Therefore, the humble nature of the nursing professional also includes the direct and indirect effect on the safety of the patients. Therefore, it can be concluded that the judgmental questions are the vital program in processing the nursing course. The clinical judgment can be c oncluded with the synonymous with the language and the quality care of the process. It is the practical use which concludes with the taxonomies of the nursing professionals. It confers merely any classifications. The stipulated characteristics and the factors which responsible for the upholding of the criteria, generally focuses on the entire topic of clinical questionings and the judgmental process in the nursing field. The medical field which is involved in the quality cure as well as the critical queries is consisted with the vital characteristics which focuses on the processing ability and the corresponding process to evaluate the health of the patient as well as the physical health improvement of those patient in a very humble way to facilitate the judgmental process of the medical professionals especially the nursing field. Nursing may be concluded with the efforts in order to develop the consciousness of the research work forces. 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