Saturday, February 29, 2020
Blindness in Samson Agonistes
Blindness in Samson Agonistes In John Milton’s play Samson Agonistes, eyesight is a recurring motif and blindness used frequently as a metaphor to define the status of a character’s journey. Milton uses the presence or lack of clarity in vision, both physically and spiritually, to indicate characters’ direction. Although several characters experience blindness to differing degrees, Samson epitomizes the dynamic states and stages of blindness. All of these are necessary components of his pilgrimage of personal redemption, where his loss of physical eyesight becomes essential to mitigate the more serious condition of internal, spiritual blindness. Manoah’s paternal connection to his son hinders his ability to see that the blindness Samson must endure as a result of his failures is actually necessary to restore Samson’s inner eyes. Manoah attempts to convince Samson that his predicament can be reversed and that there is a way out: â€Å"But God who caus’d a fountain at thy prayer From the dry ground to spring, thy thirst to allay After the brunt of battel, can as easie Cause light again within thy eies to spring.†(581-84) Manoah’s eyes are indeed veiled from reality, for he is unable to analyze the situation apart from his disposition and concepts which persuade him to believe that Samson is, in fact, ascetical. Manoah has the full assurance that the retrieval and homeward return of his son would cause the present problems to dissipate. However, Samson realizes that his escaping will not assist him along his destined path and will not accomplish the purpose of his existence. Surely God did not intend for Samson to single-handedly liberate Israel, but as the tribe’s sole recipient of the divine instruction, Samson is regarded as the man who will free Israel and her people from captivity. The awe and wonder that his strength elicits became an obstruction in the eyes of the Hebrews and of their faith. It does not occur to them that perhaps they too, as a people, have a role in fulfilling God’s plan. Their eyes are so fixed on the idea that Samson will be their savior that in a sense their faith in God is lessened. Samson’s strength is a mere manifestation of God’s strengthening him from within; the Israelites, however, regard his gift of strength as his sole qualification for the mission’s assignment. By so doing, they deny any accountability themselves. The Israelites should have learned from Solomon’s mistakes after his fall and taken the initiative to fulfill the promise. Instead, like Samson, his people lose sight of their faith and its source. It becomes apparent that Samson has become an idol to his people, and they have lost God as their focus by fixing their collective sight upon Samson’s God-like figure, which his strength and pride afford. Therefore, Samson is not the only one who has lost sight of his calling, but the Hebrews have fallen to the point where they â€Å"love bondage more than liberty, / Bondage with ease than strenuous liberty†(270-1). Samson, as well as his people, initially fail to see that his strength lies not within the seven locks of unshaven hair, but that his hair is a mere symbol of his heritage and of his vow to God. A footnote in Numbers, explaining the significance of the Nazarite vow, says, â€Å"Not shaving the head signifies not rejecting but being absolutely subject to the headship of the Lord as well as to all deputy authorities appointed by God.†The Nazarite vow was not developed solely for Samson, but it was a voluntary time of consecration where the Israelites declared their separation unto God: â€Å"All the days of his vow of separation no razor shall pass over his head. He shall be holy until the days are fulfilled for which he separated himself from Jehovah; he shall let the locks on his head grow long.†(Numbers 6:5) This general custom proves that, contrary to the belief of Samson and Dalila, that his hair is not the source of his super natural strength. Samson’s â€Å"heav’n- gifted strength†(36) is accompanied by a mission whose accomplishment relies entirely on his faithfulness to the vow. Gradually Samson becomes distracted by the fame and admiration that his strength elicits. A purpose that initially originated from a divinely assigned mission slowly digresses into a self-glorifying talent which makes Samson â€Å"fearless of danger, like made a petty God, walk’d about admir’d of all†(529-30). Samson himself admits that he had reached a point where he was â€Å"swollen with pride†and fell â€Å"into the snare†(532). As this egotistical outlook begins to take precedence in Samson’s life, he simultaneously begins to lose sight of the goals in and purpose of his life, leaving him inwardly blind, prior to the dramatic gouging out of his eyes. During the first three temptations of Dalila, Samson’s faith still remains true as he maintains his loyalty and covenant with God, just as he sustains the portion of his vow which requires him to abstain from â€Å"all delicious drinks†¦ [to] repress†(541-43). However, upon Dalila’s fourth attempt to trick her husband, â€Å"this high gift of strength†¦how easily [bereaves] [him], / Under the seal of Silence could not keep, / But weakly to a woman [does] reveal it†(47-50). Once Samson recognizes his weakness, despite his outward strength, he begins the journey of ascent towards self- reconstruction, where Samson comes to realize how he came to be in such a predicament: â€Å"God sent her to debase me, And aggravate my folly who committed To such a viper his most sacred trust Of secresie, my safety, and my life†(999-1002) Samson realizes too late that he was â€Å"impoten[t] of mind, in body strong!†(52). Before his upward journey, Samson is required to be completely broken, blinded and chained, â€Å"inferior to†¦ worm†(73-74). The man that was once admired and worshipped is now â€Å"dark in light expos’d / to daily fraud, contempt, abuse and wrong†(75-76), made powerless, in order for him to begin the long, dark journey into his self and back to his calling. Milton repeatedly utilizes the metaphor of blindness to take his characters on a progression from a point of darkness into light, to illustrate the growth and dynamic development of each character on their own, specific path to destiny. Milton’s entire tragedy depicts the treacherous journey of the hero whose â€Å"breeding [is] ordered and prescrib’d / As of a person separated to God†(30-31). In order for Samson’s purpose to be fulfilled and for God’s plan to be carried out, Samson’s physical strength has to be reduced to nothing. It is only possible in this moment of desperation following complete failure that the hero is able to prove his true strength, as he re-climbs from the heap of collapse. Not only does this journey entail the reconstruction of his strength, but Samson is forced to endure this journey in complete darkness in order to redefine his view of the world and to relinquish his confidence in his own ability, and to ultimatel y refine and strengthen his faith in God. The Hebrews, like Samson, are also in need of restoration of sight to see again who their God is. Their faith falters simultaneously with the breaking of Samson’s vow; not one of them takes any form of action in attempt to accomplish God’s plan. Their sole concern is the preservation of Samson’s sight and strength, for this is where their faith resides. Manoah also fails to see that the restoration of Samson’s sight is not of utmost importance, but that much more, his inward eyes would be reopened to realize his purpose, to see why God twice appeared to his parents to announce the importance of his birth. Samson is both weakened and inwardly blinded by his wife’s beauty and temptations, but it is not until his eyes are gouged out that he acknowledges that he has been â€Å"entangled with a poysnous bosom snake.†When Samson’s faith is lost, he is in â€Å"double darkness†, both outwardl y and inwardly blind. It is not until his final moments that his inward eyes are opened; he regains his lost faith, and truly realizes and accomplishes his purpose in his very last breath.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Leading Change through Integrated Product Development Assignment
Leading Change through Integrated Product Development - Assignment Example The success or failure of a product purely depends on the customers. A product would retain its market if only if it meets the expectations of the customer. This clearly reveals that a product’s lifetime is in the hands of the users. Some products fail, even if they are manufactured by considering the requirements of the customer. The reason is that it might not be usable for the specific user group to which it was intended to be. The target group must be decided well in advance to ensure that the product is developed particularly for that user group. The goal of a product manufacturing company must be to prepare products that are suitable for the intended user group. This goal can be achieved by implementing certain unique techniques which makes the process easier. These techniques, in turn, specify the ways in which a product can be developed to suit the target group. This will ensure that the product serves the intended purpose. Instead of changing the way in which a product is developed, the companies can implement these techniques after which they can be sure of achieving their mission. An organization generally creates and develops a product based on the customer’s requirements. Once the client’s requirements are received the product is developed. A product cannot be developed without a well-defined set of principles. (Rainey, 2005) This is accomplished using product management and its techniques. Product management is a complete set of techniques and principles that define the way in which a product should be developed. Implementing these principles eases the process of product development and marketing. These principles are implemented to manage initial requirements, costs of the product, allocation of resources and managing risks that may arise in the product development process. Management defines the way in which a product must be developed and proposes certain strategies and planning procedures.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Canada's looming retirement challenge Speech or Presentation
Canada's looming retirement challenge - Speech or Presentation Example In this particular research, LifePaths has been used to address these concerns. LifePaths is essentially a sophisticated tool for simulation which has been created by Statistics Canada. LifePaths functions by integrating data collected from the experiences related to the socio-economic conditions and project consumption of the Canadians who are yet to approach the age of retirement, both before and after they retire. LifePaths does not only take into account the income generated from the programs of public pension, but it also integrates the income and savings made from the registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) as well as the registered pension plans (RPPs). In addition to that, LifePaths also pays due consideration to the housing equity that is accumulated, and tracks how it helps in the consumption made in the later years of life. LifePaths particularly derives its importance and value from the fact that it can model the socio-economic and demographic patterns that vary with time over the representative yet diversified population belonging to different ages over the course of time. In the study, the focus of the researchers has been the ability of future retirees to sustain the consumption patterns they have had before retirement once they stop to work. This is achieved by benchmarking every person’s standards of living after he/she retires and comparing them to what they had been before the retirement occurred. While doing so, the researchers take into account the diversity and change that occurs in the individuals’ lifetime with respect to such variables as income, savings, tax payment, employment record, and other family conditions that keep varying from time to time. What is quite important to note is that such a calculation provides the researchers with an insight into the individuals’ preparedness for the conditions that would occur after their retirement both within and across the various income groups. Like many other resear ches investigating the very subject concluded, this particular research verified that the system for retirement that has conventionally been in place in Canada has been conducive for healthy consumption rates in the period that follows the retirement of individuals. For individuals belonging to the low income zone in particular, the retirement system has offered great support after completion of their services. In the last two decades, people that have reached the age of retirement experienced significant support from the retirement system in Canada. However, it is important to note that in case the present economic and behavioral circumstances in Canada continue to persist over an indefinite period of time, a vast majority of Canadians are susceptible to experience difficulties in sustaining the same consumption after retirement that they enjoy during the period of their working life. Presently, no more than 16 per cent of the total population of retirees happens to be in such circ umstances which are likely to result in a considerable minimization of the consumption after the retirement, the number would increase manifolds if the present trends persist indefinitely. As many as 44 per cent of the t
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