Monday, December 30, 2019
An Project On The Development Of It System Applications Or...
For any company involved in the development of IT system applications or any other software, having a team of people who knows what they are doing, will determine if the application will be useful or a total failure. Since money cannot be wasted and it is sometimes shorted by the client, having the experience and the right leaders to keep this project organized and on schedule, will help the development team members finish this project on time and on budget. However, in order to stay on track of the requirements set by the client, communicating with the client on a regular basis either by phone or by virtual meetings, the results of the project will most likely be a success. To me, the purpose of these meetings are to keep the client involved in the project as much as possible so that all the discussed requirements are well-understood and if any changes are made by the client, then new changes can be made right there on the spot avoiding future delays. I think that the main goal here is to keep the client satisfied with the results as much as possible. When I say results I mean, making sure that what the client wants and do not want on the system application is included to the last detail. During the life cycle of the project, there are going to be many decisions to be made, and keeping in touch with the client as much as possible, the decisions might change the results of the project in terms of delays or higher costs. For example, the development team might set anShow MoreRelatedThe Software Development Life Cycle1202 Words  | 5 PagesThe software development life cycle is utilized by the software industry to design, develop, and test software. The objective of the SDLC is to provide high quality software that exceeds customer expectations and meets timeframes and cost expectations. This paper will provide a brief overview of the SDLC and the various stages throughout the life cycle. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay on Tragedy of Alcibiades in Platos Symposium
The Tragedy of Alcibiades in Platos Symposium In Symposium, a selection from The Dialogues of Plato, Plato uses historical allusions to demonstrate Alcibiades’ frustration with both social expectations for the phallus and his inability to meet these expectations. Alcibiades’ inability to have a productive sexual relationship effectively castrates him and demonstrates the impotence caused by an overemphasis on eroticism. The tragedy of Alcibiades is that he realizes he is unable to gain virtue through sexual relationships and will therefore be forced to remain mortal, yet he is unable to alter his condition. Symposium is set during a festival for Dionysus, the goddess of fertility; this setting emphasizes the sexual expectations of†¦show more content†¦Socrates attempts to justify homosexual relationships by quoting Diotima’s differentiation between heterosexual relationships (those who are pregnant in terms of their bodies and produce children) and homosexual relationships (those who are pregnant in terms of the soul and produce prudence and the rest of virtue in their partner) (Plato 271).2 This ideal of productivity in homosexual relationships is realized by the lover passing knowledge and wisdom on to his beloved. Thus, Socrates successfully justifies homosexual relationships; with this reasoning, he demonstrates to the other partygoers that their homosexual relationships must be productive to be justified. Despite Alcibiades’ numerous male lovers (Crane),3 Plato portrays Alcibiades as unable to realize any productive sexual relationship (Crane Plutarch)4 because he fails to become the virtuous man that a productive relationship would have produced. Alcibiades admits that he occasionally succumbs to the honor [he gets] from many. Alcibiades is referring to the instances when, instead of spending time with Socrates, he surrender[s] himself to the flatterers who [tempt] him with many pleasures (Crane Plutarch). Alcibiades is prevented from having a productive sexual relationship by his sexual urges and overemphasis on physical eroticism. Alcibiades’Show MoreRelatedComparing Plato s The Symposium1704 Words  | 7 Pagesalcohol and the significance of drinking in The Symposium. Through this text, Plato is writing about philosophy is the setting of a narrative in order to reinforce the context of the story. Plato was a metaphilosophist that supported the theory of forms. He believed that understanding pure form, achieving true wisdom, is something that cannot be defined or reduced to words, and all people should strive to understand pure form. The main symbol in The Symposium, is wine, a representation of wisdom. ThroughoutRead MoreReview Of Platos Suddenness : The Symposium As A Tragic Comedy1112 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Suddenness†: The Symposium as a Tragic Comedy â€Å"All of a sudden he will catch sight of something wonderfully beautiful in its nature; that, Socrates, is the reason for all his earlier labors.†(210E) â€Å"Then, all of a sudden, there was even more noise. A large drunken party had arrived at the courtyard door and they were rattling it loudly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (212C) â€Å"You always do this to me  ¬Ã¢â‚¬â€œ all of a sudden you’ll turn up out of nowhere where I least expect you!†(213C) â€Å"And then, all of a sudden, while AgathonRead MoreAnalysis Of The Speech Praise Of Eros On Plato Symposium1785 Words  | 8 Pages Jose A. Nunez Introduction to Philosophy 1113 Professor Dr. Sarah Woolvine March 23rd, 2015. Tittle: Analysis of Speeches Given in Praise of Eros on Plato’ Symposium Among the ancient Greek philosophers, Plato was one of the greatest. Known for his remarkable philosophical works, Plato was born into a very prominent Athenian family, and he was expected to have a proliferous political career, but the political scene at that time made Plato devote himself instead to his philosophicalRead MoreEssay Platos Symposium1171 Words  | 5 PagesPlatos Symposium Platos metaphor of the divided line is essentially two worlds; the world of opinion (the physical world or the world of becoming/existence) and the world of knowledge (the world of knowledge or the world of being/essence). This concept is key to the context of The Symposium: Love. It is important to note that as the speeches evolve throughout this particular work they parallel this concept. Plato has, in this writers opinion, reinforced his theory through the speakersRead MorePlato s Symposium, By Plato1273 Words  | 6 PagesIn the book,†Plato’s Symposium,†by Plato, who was a philosopher in Greece, he illustrates the dialectic discussion at a party at Agathon’s to celebrate his triumph of his first tragedy. In the Symposium; the guests Phaedrus, an Athenian aristocrat; Pausanias, the legal expert; Eryximachus, a physician; Aristophanes, eminent comic playwright; Agathon ,a tragic poet and host of the banquet; Socrates, eminent philosopher and Plato s teacher; and Alcibiades, a prominent Athenian statesman, orator
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Addmaths Free Essays
ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS PROJECT WORK 2/2012 â€Å"INDEX NUMBER†NAME: Lio Xing Ying Class: 5I I. C. No:950818-13-6166 School: SMK Marudi TEACHER:Miss Tie Yien Mee Teacher’s signature: CONTENT CHAPTERS| TITLES| PAGES| 1| CONTENT| 2| 2| APPRECIATION| 4| 3| OBJECTIVES| 6| 4| INTRODUCTION| 8| 5| PART A| 11| 6| PART B| 15| 7| PART C| 19| 8| PART D| 24| 9| FURTHER EXPLORATION| 26| 10| CONCLUSION| 28| 11| REFLECTION| 30| APPRECIATION First of all, I would like to thank God for giving us energy, strength and health to carry out this project work. We will write a custom essay sample on Addmaths or any similar topic only for you Order Now Next, I would like to thank our school for giving us the chance to create this project work. School also provides me the space to discuss and carry out this project work. Not forgetting my beloved parents who provided everything needed in this project work, such as money, Internet, books, computer and so on. They contribute their time and spirit on sharing their experience with me. Their support may raise the spirit in me to do this project work smoothly. After that, I would like to thank our Additional Mathematics teacher, Miss Tie Yien Mee for guiding me throughout this project. When I face some difficulties on doing tasks, she will try her best to teach me patiently until I have done the project work. Then, I would like to thank the proprietor of the shop who was willing to share their experience on business activity and the experience on saving money with me. Lastly, I would like to thank my classmates who shared ideas and providing some helps on solving problems. We help each other until we finished this project work. OBJECTIVES All of our students in 5I are required to carry out an Additional Mathematics Project Work during mid-term holiday. This project is done individually. Upon completion of the Additional Mathematics Project Work, I gain valuable experiences and able to: * Solve routine and non-routine problems. Improve thinking skills. * Knowledge and skills are applied in meaningful ways in solving real-life problems. * Expressing ones mathematical thinking, reasoning and communication are highly encouraged and expected. * Stimulates and enhances effective learning. * Acquire effective mathematical communication through oral and writing and to use the language of mathemat ics to express mathematical ideas correctly and precisely. * Enhance acquisition of mathematical knowledge and skills through problem-solving in ways that increase interest and confidence. Prepare ourselves for the demand of our future undertakings and in workplace. * Realise that mathematics is an important and powerful tool in solving real-life problems and hence develop positive attitude towards mathematics. * Train ourselves not only to be independent learners but also to collaborate, to cooperate, and to share knowledge in an engaging and healthy environment. * Use technology especially the ICT appropriately and effectively. * Train ourselves to appreciate the intrinsic values of mathematics and to become more creative and innovative. Realize the importance and the beauty of mathematics. INTRODUCTION INDEX An index number is a percentage ratio of prices, quantities or values comparing two time periods or two points in time. The time period that serves as a basis for the compari son is called the base period and the period that is compared to the base period is called the given or current period. A price index measures the change in the money value of an item (or group of items) over time whereas a quantity index measures the non-monetary value of an item (or a group of items) over time. An index number that represents a percentage comparison of the number of cars sold in a given month as compared with that of a base month is a quantity index. A price index represents a comparison of prices between two time periods and, finally, a value index is one that represents a comparison of the total value of production or sales in two time periods without regard to whether the observed difference is a result of differences in quantity, price or both. Index numbers are also differentiated according to the number of commodities or products included in the comparison. A simple index, also known as a relative, is a comparison involving only one item but an index whose calculation is based on several items is known as an aggregate or composite index. A very famous example of a composite index is the Retail Prices Index (RPI), which measures the changes in costs in the items of expenditure of the average household. In economics and finance, an index is a statistical measure of changes in a representative group of individual data points. These data may be derived from any number of sources, including company performance, prices, productivity, and employment. Economic indices (index, plural) track economic health from different perspectives. Influential global financial indices such as the Global Dow, and the NASDAQ Composite track the performance of selected large and powerful companies in order to evaluate and predict economic trends. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the SP 500 primarily track U. S. markets, though some legacy international companies are included. The Consumer Price Index tracks the variation in prices for different consumer goods and services over time in a constant geographical location, and is integral to calculations used to djust salaries, bond interest rates, and tax thresholds for inflation. The GDP Deflator Index, or real GDP, measures the level of prices of all new, domestically produced, final goods and services in an economy. Market performance indices include the labour market index / job index and proprietary stock market index investment instruments offered by brokerage houses. Some indices display market variations that cannot be captured in other ways. For example, the Economist provides a Big Mac Index that expresses the adjusted cost of a globally ubiquitous Big Mac as a percentage over or under the cost of a Big Mac in the U. S. with a U. S. dollar (estimated: $3. 57). Norway prices reflect most relatively expensive Big Mac, at an 84% increase over U. S. prices, or $6. 5725 U. S. The least relatively expensive Big Mac price occurs in Hong Kong, at a 52% reduction from U. S. prices, or $1. 71 U. S. The Big Mac index is used to predict currency values. From this example, it would be assumed that Hong Kong currency is undervalued, and provides a currency investment opportunity. An index number is a percentage ratio of prices, quantities or values comparing two time periods or two points in time. The time period that serves as a basis for the comparison is called the base period and the period that is compared to the base period is called the given or current period. A price index measures the change in the money value of an item (or group of items) over time whereas a quantity index measures the non-monetary value of an item (or a group of items) over time. An index number that represents a percentage comparison of the number of cars sold in a given month as compared with that of a base month is a quantity index. A price index represents a comparison of prices between two time periods and, finally, a value index is one that represents a comparison of the total value of production or sales in two time periods without regard to whether the observed difference is a result of differences in quantity, price or both. Index numbers are also differentiated according to the number of commodities or products included in the comparison. A simple index, also known as a relative, is a comparison involving only one item but an index whose calculation is based on several items is known as an aggregate or composite index. A very famous example of a composite index is the Retail Prices Index (RPI), which measures the changes in costs in the items of expenditure of the average household. PART A The school Cooperative in one of the schools in your area made a profit of RM 50000 in the year 2011. The cooperative plans to keep the money in a fixed deposit account in a bank for one year. The interest collected at the end of this period will be the poor students in the school. As a member of Board of Cooperative you are to find the total interest which can be collected from different banks. Given below are the interest rates offered by 3 different banks: Bank A, Bank B and Bank C. You are to calculate the interest that can be obtained based on the given rates, if the money is to be kept in the bank for a period of one year for monthly auto renewable, three months auto renewable, six months auto renewable and twelve months auto renewable without withdrawal. Compare and discuss which bank will you choose and explain why. PERIOD| BANK A (% p. a. )| BANK B (% p. a. )| BANK C (% p. a. )| 1 MONTH| 3. 10| 3. 00| 3. 00| 2 MONTH| 3. 10| 3. 00| 3. 00| 3 MONTH| 3. 15| 3. 5| 3. 05| 4 MONTH| 3. 15| 3. 05| 3. 05| 5 MONTH| 3. 15| 3. 10| 3. 05| 6 MONTH| 3. 20| 3. 10| 3. 10| 7 MONTH| 3. 20| 3. 10| 3. 10| 8 MONTH| 3. 20| 3. 10| 3. 10| 9 MONTH| 3. 20| 3. 10| 3. 10| 10 MONTH| 3. 20| 3. 10| 3. 10| 11 MONTH| 3. 20| 3. 10| 3. 10| 12 MONTH| 3. 25| 3. 15| 3. 20| Solution by Geometric Progression Solution Tn = arn–1 r = Tn+1Tn a = 50 000 BANK A * Monthly auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 10100 = 103. 10100 = 1. 0310 T13 = 50 000 x 1. 031013-1 = 50 000 x 1. 031012 = 72 123. 03397 = 72 123. 00 * Three months auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 15100 = 103. 15100 = 1. 0315 T5 = 50 000 x 1. 03155-1 = 50 000 x 1. 03154 = 56 603. 9754 = 56 604. 00 * Six months auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 20 100 = 103. 20100 = 1. 0320 T3 = 50 000 x 1. 03203-1 = 50 000 x 1. 03202 = 53 251. 20 * Twelve months without withdrawal r = 100 + 3. 25100 = 103. 25100 = 1. 0325 T2 = 50 000 x 1. 03252-1 = 50 000 x 1. 03251 = 51 625. 00 Bank B * Monthly auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 00100 = 103. 00100 = 1. 0300 T13 = 50 000 x 1. 030013-1 = 50 000 x 1. 030012 = 71 288. 04434 = 71 288. 00 * Three months auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 05100 = 103. 15100 = 1. 0315 T5 = 50 000 x 1. 03055-1 50 000 x 1. 03054 = 56 384. 79279 = 56 384. 80 * Six months auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 10 100 = 103. 10100 = 1. 0310 T3 = 50 000 x 1. 03103-1 = 50 000 x 1. 03102 = 53 148. 05 = 53 148. 00 * Twelve months without withdrawal r = 100 + 3. 15100 = 103. 15100 = 1. 0325 T2 = 50 000 x 1. 03152-1 = 50 000 x 1. 03151 = 51 575. 00 BANK C * Monthly auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 00100 = 103. 00100 = 1. 0300 T13 = 50 000 x 1. 030013-1 = 50 000 x 1. 030012 = 71 288. 04434 = 71 288. 00 * Three months auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 05100 = 103. 05100 = 1. 0305 T5 = 50 000 x 1. 03055-1 = 50 000 x 1. 3054 = 56 384. 79279 = 56 384. 80 * Six months auto renewable r = 100 + 3. 10 100 = 103. 10100 = 1. 0310 T3 = 50 000 x 1. 03103-1 = 50 000 x 1. 03102 = 53 148. 05 = 53 148. 00 * Twelve months without withdrawal r = 100 + 3. 20100 = 103. 20100 = 1. 032 T2 = 50 000 x 1. 0322-1 = 50 000 x 1. 0321 = 51 600. 00 PERIOD| BANK A (RM)| BANK B (RM)| BANK C (RM)| MONTHLY RENEWABLE| 72 123. 00| 71 288. 00| 71 288. 00| THREE MONTHS RENEWABLE| 56 604. 00| 56 384. 80| 56 384. 80| SIX MONTHS RENEWABLE| 53 251. 20| 53 148. 00| 53 148. 00| TWELVE MONTHS RENEWABLE| 51 625. 00| 51 575. 00| 51 600. 0| Therefore, I will choose Bank A because the interest of Bank A is higher than Bank B and Bank C. PART B (a) The Cooperative of your school plans to provide photocopy service to the students of your school. A survey was conducted and it is found out that rental for a photo copy machine is RM 480 per month, cost for a rim of paper (500 pieces) is RM 10 and the price of a bottle of toner is RM 80 which can be used to photocopy 10 000 pieces of paper. (i) What is the cost to photocopy a piece of paper? Solution by Mathematical Solution Rental for photocopy machine/month = RM 480 Cost for a rim of paper (500 pieces) = RM 10 Price of a bottle of toner (10 000 pieces) = RM 80 Cost for a photocopy of a piece of paper = RM 80 + RM 480 + [10 000500 RM 10]10 000 = RM 0. 076 (ii) If your school cooperative can photocopy an average of 10 000 pieces per month and charges a price of 10 cent per piece, calculate the profit which can be obtained by the school cooperative. Solution by Mathematical Method Charge of a piece of photocopy of a paper = RM 0. 10 Cost for a photocopy of a piece of paper = RM 0. 076 Profit obtained = (RM 0. 10 – RM 0. 076)(10 000) = RM 240 b) For the year 2013, the cost for photocopying 10 000 pieces of paper increased due to the increase in the price of rental, toner and paper as shown in table below: (i) Calculate the percentage increase in photocopying a piece of paper based on the year 2012, using two different methods. Solution METHOD 1 by Mathematical Solution Cost of photocopy of a piece of paper in 2013 = RM 100 + RM 500 + RM24010 000 = RM 0. 084 Percentage increase = 0. 084 – 0. 0760. 076 x 100% = 10. 5263% METHOD 2 by Price Index Solution I = P1P0x 100 ? = IWW | Price Index, I| Weightage, W| Rental| 6256| 25| Toner| 125| 5| Paper| 120| 12| = 625625 + 1255 + 1201225 + 5 + 12 = 25015252 = 111. 17 Percentage increase = RM 0. 076 x 111. 17100 – 0. 0760. 076 x 100% = 10. 5263% (ii) If the school cooperative still charge the same amount for photocopying a piece of paper, how many pieces of paper should the cooperative photocopy in order to get the same amount of profit? Solution by Quadratic Equation Solution Pieces of paper should cooperative photocopy 0. 1(x) – 10 000 (0. 084) = 240 0. 1x – 840 = 240 x = 10800. 1 = 10 800 (iii) If the cooperative still maintain to photocopy the same amount of paper per month, how much profit can Cooperative obtain? Solution by Mathematical Solution Profit obtained = (RM 0. 10)(10 000) – (RM 0. 084)(10 000) = RM 160 PART C The population of the school is increasing. As a result, the school cooperative needs more space for keeping the increasing amount of stock. Therefore the school cooperative plans to expand the store-room. It is estimated that cost for renovation is RM 150 000. Make a conjecture on which is a better way for the school cooperative to pay, whether to pay the whole lump sum in cash or keep the RM 150 000 in a fixed deposit account at a rate of 6% p. a. n a bank then borrow the RM 150 000 from a bank and pay for the hire purchase for a period of 10 years with a interest rate of 4. 8% p. a. and withdraw monthly to pay for the hire purchase every beginning of a month. Make a conclusion and give your reason. (You can give your solution in table form, Excel or graph) Solution by Excel Month| Interest (%)| Total Money (RM)| Interest Rate/year (%)| Loan/month (RM)| Money Left (RM )| 1| 6. 00| 150 000| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 251 571. 84| 2| | | | 1 850. 00| 249 721. 84| 3| | | | 1 850. 00| 247 871. 84| 4| | | | 1 850. 00| 246 021. 84| 5| | | | 1 850. 0| 244 171. 84| 6| | | | 1 850. 00| 242 321. 84| 7| | | | 1 850. 00| 240 471. 84| 8| | | | 1 850. 00| 238 621. 84| 9| | | | 1 850. 00| 236 771. 84| 10| | | | 1 850. 00| 234 921. 84| 11| | | | 1 850. 00| 233 071. 84| 12| | | | 1 850. 00| 231 221. 84| 13| 6. 00| 159 000. 00| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 229 371. 84| 14| | | | 1 850. 00| 227 521. 84| 15| | | | 1 850. 00| 225 671. 84| 16| | | | 1 850. 00| 223 821. 84| 17| | | | 1 850. 00| 221 971. 84| 18| | | | 1 850. 00| 220 121. 84| 19| | | | 1 850. 00| 218 271. 84| 20| | | | 1 850. 00| 216 421. 84| 21| | | | 1 850. 00| 214 571. 84| 22| | | | 1 850. 0| 212 721. 84| 23| | | | 1 850. 00| 210 871. 84| 24| | | | 1 850. 00| 209 021. 84| 25| 6. 00| 168 540. 00| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 207 171. 84| 26| | | | 1 850. 00| 205 321. 84| 27| | | | 1 850. 00| 203 471. 84| 28| | | | 1 850. 00| 201 621 . 84| 29| | | | 1 850. 00| 199 771. 84| 30| | | | 1 850. 00| 197 921. 84| 31| | | | 1 850. 00| 196 071. 84| 32| | | | 1 850. 00| 194 221. 84| 33| | | | 1 850. 00| 192 371. 84| 34| | | | 1 850. 00| 190 521. 84| 35| | | | 1 850. 00| 188 671. 84| 36| | | | 1 850. 00| 186 821. 84| 37| 6. 00| 178 652. 40| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 184 971. 84| 38| | | | 1 850. 00| 183 121. 4| 39| | | | 1 850. 00| 181 271. 84| 40| | | | 1 850. 00| 179 421. 84| 41| | | | 1 850. 00| 177 571. 84| 42| | | | 1 850. 00| 175 721. 84| 43| | | | 1 850. 00| 173 871. 84| 44| | | | 1 850. 00| 172 021. 84| 45| | | | 1 850. 00| 170 171. 84| 46| | | | 1 850. 00| 168 321. 84| 47| | | | 1 850. 00| 166 471. 84| 48| | | | 1 850. 00| 164 621. 84| 49| 6. 00| 189 371. 54| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 162 771. 84| 50| | | | 1 850. 00| 160 921. 84| 51| | | | 1 850. 00| 159 071. 84| 52| | | | 1 850. 00| 157 221. 84| 53| | | | 1 850. 00| 155 371. 84| 54| | | | 1 850. 00| 153 521. 84| 55| | | | 1 850. 00| 151 671. 4| 56| | | | 1 850. 00| 149 821. 84| 57| | | | 1 850. 00| 147 971. 84| 58| | | | 1 850. 00| 146 121. 84| 59| | | | 1 850. 00| 144 271. 84| 60| | | | 1 850. 00| 142 421. 84| 61| 6. 00| 200 733. 84| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 140 571. 84| 62| | | | 1 850. 00| 138 721. 84| 63| | | | 1 850. 00| 136 871. 84| 64| | | | 1 850. 00| 135 021. 84| 65| | | | 1 850. 00| 133 171. 84| 66| | | | 1 850. 00| 131 321. 84| 67| | | | 1 850. 00| 129 471. 84| 68| | | | 1 850. 00| 127 621. 84| 69| | | | 1 850. 00| 125 771. 84| 70| | | | 1 850. 00| 123 921. 84| 71| | | | 1 850. 00| 122 071. 84| 72| | | | 1 850. 00| 120 221. 4| 73| 6. 00| 212 777. 87| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 118 371. 84| 74| | | | 1 850. 00| 116 521. 84| 75| | | | 1 850. 00| 114 671. 84| 76| | | | 1 850. 00| 112 821. 84| 77| | | | 1 850. 00| 110 971. 84| 78| | | | 1 850. 00| 109 121. 84| 79| | | | 1 850. 00| 107 271. 84| 80| | | | 1 850. 00| 105 421. 84| 81| | | | 1 850. 00| 103 571. 84| 81| | | | 1 850. 00| 101 721. 84| 83| | | | 1 850. 00| 99 871. 84| 84| | | | 1 850. 00| 98 021. 84| 85| 6 . 00| 225 544. 54| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 96 171. 84| 86| | | | 1 850. 00| 94 321. 84| 87| | | | 1 850. 00| 92 471. 84| 88| | | | 1 850. 00| 90 621. 84| 89| | | | 1 850. 0| 88 771. 84| 90| | | | 1 850. 00| 86 921. 84| 91| | | | 1 850. 00| 85 071. 84| 92| | | | 1 850. 00| 83 221. 84| 93| | | | 1 850. 00| 81 371. 84| 94| | | | 1 850. 00| 79 521. 84| 95| | | | 1 850. 00| 77 671. 84| 96| | | | 1 850. 00| 75 821. 84| 97| 6. 00| 239 077. 21| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 73 971. 84| 98| | | | 1 850. 00| 72 121. 84| 99| | | | 1 850. 00| 70 271. 84| 100| | | | 1 850. 00| 68 421. 84| 101| | | | 1 850. 00| 66 571. 84| 102| | | | 1 850. 00| 64 721. 84| 103| | | | 1 850. 00| 62 871. 84| 104| | | | 1 850. 00| 61 021. 84| 105| | | | 1 850. 00| 59 171. 84| 106| | | | 1 850. 0| 57 321. 84| 107| | | | 1 850. 00| 55 471. 84| 108| | | | 1 850. 00| 53 621. 84| 109| 6. 00| 253 421. 84| 4. 80| 1 850. 00| 51 771. 84| 110| | | | 1 850. 00| 49 921. 84| 111| | | | 1 850. 00| 48 071. 84| 112| | | | 1 850. 00| 46 221. 84| 113| | | | 1 850. 00| 44 371. 84| 114| | | | 1 850. 00| 42 521. 84| 115| | | | 1 850. 00| 40 671. 84| 116| | | | 1 850. 00| 38 821. 84| 117| | | | 1 850. 00| 36 971. 84| 118| | | | 1 850. 00| 35 121. 84| 119| | | | 1 850. 00| 33 271. 84| 120| | | | 1 850. 00| 31 421. 84| ? Money is still left after the loan has been paid-out for the period of 10 years. That mean, keeping the RM 150 000 in a fixed deposit account then borrow the RM 150 000 from a bank is better way to expand the store-room. PART D The cooperative of the school also has another amount of RM 50 000. The cooperative plans to keep the money in a bank. The bank offered a compound interest rate of 3. 5% per annum and a simple interest rate of 5% per annum. Explain the meaning of â€Å"compound interest†and â€Å"simple interest†. Suggest a better way of keeping the money in this bank. State a suitable period for keeping the money for each plan. Explain why. Solution y Dictionary (source: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 6th Edition) Compound interest * Interest that is paid both on the original amount of money saved and on the interest that has been added to it. Simple interest * Interest that is paid only on the original amount of money that you invested, and not on any interest that is earned. Simple interest is suitable for savings in a short period. It is because of its interest is higher than compound interest and it is paid only on the original amount of money that you invested, and not on any interest that is earned. For example, when you keep RM50 000 with an interest of 5% for 2 years, then you will gain RM 5 000 after two years. So the total amount in the bank is RM 55 000 after two years. When one keeps RM 50 000 with the interest of 3. 5 % of compound interest for 2 years, then you will gain RM3 561. 25. So the total amount in the bank is RM 53 561. 25 after two years. Compound interest is suitable for savings in a long period. It is because of the original amount of money saved and on the interest that has been added to it. For example, RM50 000 for the plan of 3. 5 % of compound interest plan for 30 years then we will have RM 140 339. 9 in our saving account. But when one keeps RM 50 000 for the plan of 5 % of simple interest for 30 years, then we will only have RM 125 000 in our savings account. Therefore, it is better to save in the compound interest plan account for long-term savings and simple interest for short-term savings. FURTHER EXPLORATION When Ahmad was born, his parents investe d an amount of RM 5 000 in the Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) for him. The interest rate offered was 8. 0% p. a. At what age will Ahmad have a saving of RM 50 000, if he keeps the money without withdrawal? Solution by Geometric Progression Tn = 50 000 r = 100 + 8. 0100 = 1. 08 a = 5 000 Tn = arn-1 Let, Tn 50 000 5 000 (1. 08n-1) 50 000 ? 1. 08n-1 10 log 1. 08n-1 log 10 (n-1) log 1. 08 log 10 n-1 log10log1. 08 n-1 29. 92 n 30. 92 The least value of n is 31, 31 – 1 = 30. by Excel Terms, Tn| Value of saves| Age of Ahmad| 1| 5000| 0| 2| 5400| 1| 3| 5832| 2| 4| 6298. 56| 3| 5| 6802. 4448| 4| 6| 7346. 640384| 5| 7| 7934. 371615| 6| 8| 8569. 121344| 7| 9| 9254. 651051| 8| 10| 9995. 023136| 9| 11| 10794. 62499| 10| 12| 11658. 19499| 11| 13| 12590. 85058| 12| 14| 13598. 11863| 13| 15| 14685. 6812| 14| 16| 15860. 84557| 15| 17| 17129. 71322| 16| 18| 18500. 09027| 17| 19| 19980. 0975| 18| 20| 21578. 5053| 19| 21| 23304. 78572| 20| 22| 25169. 16858| 21| 23| 27182. 70206| 22| 24| 29357. 31823| 23| 25| 31705. 90369| 24| 26| 34242. 37598| 25| 27| 36981. 76606| 26| 28| 39940. 30734| 27| 29| 43135. 53193| 28| 30| 46586. 37449| 29| 31| 50313. 28445| 30| ? Ahmad will have a saving of RM 50 000 at the age of 30. CONCLUSION After doing research, answering the questions, plan a table and some problem solving, we saw that usage of index number is important in our daily business activity. It is not just widely use in the business segment but also in banking skills. We learnt a lot of lesson from this Additional Mathematics Project Work such as banking account skills, loaning technique, counting the cost of a product, predict the future plans of money and so on. Without this, shopkeeper will get a lot of loses in the business activity. We would like to thanks the one who contribute the idea of index number to help us a lot in our business activity together in our daily life. REFLECTION After by spending countless hours, days and night to finish this project in this few weeks, there are several things that I want to say†¦ Additional Mathematics, The killer subject, But when I study hard, It was so easy to understand†¦ Additional Mathematics, You look so interest, So unique from the other subject, That’s why I like you so much†¦ After sacrificing my precious time, Spirit and energy for this project, And now, I realized something important from it! I really love Additional Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, You are my real friend, You are my family, And you are my life†¦ I LOVE ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS!! ~ THE END ~ How to cite Addmaths, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Old Man at the Bridge free essay sample
The book I have read Ive recently read a book, which has made a very deep impression on me. It is named Gone with the Wind The author of the book is Margaret Mitchell. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in a family of the president of the Atlanta Historical Society. All the family was interested in American history and she grew up in an atmosphere of stones about the Civil War. After graduating from the college Margaret Mitchell worked for a time for the Atlanta Journal. In 1925 she got married. In the following ten years she put on paper all the stories she had heard about the Civil War. The result was Gone with the Wind. It was first published in 1936 and became the talking point of all America. In 1939 the book was made into a highly successful film. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable played the leading roles. Vivien Leigh won the Oscar. Everyone loved her high-spirited and beautiful heroine, Scarlett OHara. The story is set around the time of the American Civil War (1861-1865), when the Southern states went to war with the North to defend their way of life. It was a way of life in which rich gentry lived in large houses and owned huge areas of land, cultivated by black slaves. Scarlett OHara was born in one of those rich houses. But Gone with the Wind is also about a love triangle. While Scarlett loves the quiet, gentlemanly Ashley Wilkes, the wild and decidedly ungentlemanly Rhett Butler is in love with her. Not so long ago, in 1991, a publishing company asked Alexandra Ripley, a historical novelist, to write the continuation of the story. Her novel Scarlett was not in the same class as the original. Critics have been writing very bad reviews of Scarlett but the book is popular with the public. Entertainment Nowadays everybody knows that people are very busy and don’t have much time to spare. Sometimes it’s only the weekend and I think that every day-off needs some special planning. The English say: Who knows how to work, knows how to rest. I think it’s true. In my view rest is as important as work. I prefer spending my free time with the people whose company I always enjoy. I also like to spend my spare time alone, when I’m tired and haven’t got any desire to talk to anybody, very often I want to get away from noisy streets and go to the countryside and change the scenery. On the other hand I may go to different entertainment centers such as cinema, theatre, concerts halls, etc. If you want to be strong and healthy, go in for sports. There are many sports clubs, swimming-pools, gymnasiums and sport grounds for everybody who loves sports. Sport will make you not only healthier and stronger, but kinder, more sociable, cheerful and even wiser. Sport will give you its strength and energy and you’ll become a greater admirer of life with all its problems and wonders. Travelling is also a good way to spend my spare time. Visiting new places, seeing sights and meeting new people is a very exciting and useful relaxation. I can go hiking. In summer I like to be outdoors from morning till night, sunbathing, walking barefoot on the grass. My family or my friends are the very people to go with to the riverbank, to the forest or to the seashore. Its really wonderful to put up a tent, make a fire and spend time in a picturesque place. People are dreamers, our dreams are different but each person chooses his own way of spending free time, either passive or active. In any case leisure should be refreshment and a source of inspiration. Education in Great Britain: Schools In Britain it is compulsory for everyone between the ages of 5 and 16 years to receive some officially recognized form of schooling, though most secondary schools continue to provide education until the age of 18. The vast majority of pupils attend state schools, which are absolutely free (including all text books and exercise books), but there are also about 500 private schools providing secondary education. The most famous of these schools are Eton and Harrow. There is no statutory age at which students change from primary to secondary school, nor are schools specialized  pupils choose from the numerous subjects taught in their particular school. The recently introduced National Curriculum has made it compulsory, however, for three core subjects  English, mathematics, and science  and seven other foundation subjects  technology (including design), history, geography, music, art, physical education, and a modern foreign language  to be included in the curricula of all pupils. Passage from one academic year to the next is automatic. After a two-year course, usually from 14 to 16 years of age, most pupils take their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), assessed on the basis of a mixture of course work and a written examination, in individual subjects. Pupils obtaining at least five passes at GCSE can then specialize for two years (usually from 16 to 18 years of age) in two or three subjects, in which they take the General Certificate of Education Advanced level (A-level) examination. This is used as an entrance qualification for university (minimum two passes) and other types of higher education, as well as for many forms of professional training. Education in Great Britain: Higher Education (1) There is a considerable choice of post-school education in Britain. In addition to universities, there are also polytechnics and a series of different types of assisted colleges, such as colleges of technology, art, etc. , which tend to provide more work-orientated courses than universities. Virtually all students on full-time courses receive grants or loans from the Government which cover their tuition fees and everyday expenses (accommodation, food, books, etc. ). Universities in Britain enjoy complete academic freedom, choosing their own staff and deciding which students to admit, what and how to teach, and which degrees to award (first degrees are called Bachelor degrees). They are mainly government-funded, except for the totally independent University of Buckingham. There is no automatic admission to university, as there are only a limited number of places (around 100,000) available each year. Candidates are accepted on the basis of their A-level results. Virtually all degree courses are full-time and most last three years (medical and veterinary courses last five or six years). Students who obtain their Bachelor degree (graduates) can apply to take a further degree course, usually involving a mixture of exam courses and research. There are two different types of postgraduate courses  the Masters degree (MA or MSc) and higher degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
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