Thursday, October 31, 2019
Strategic Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Strategic Management and Leadership - Essay Example â€Å"GM’s OnStar subsidiary is the industry leader in vehicle safety, security and information services†(Company Q2 report, 2009). I would now begin this report by giving an in-depth and thorough internal and external analysis of General Motors that led it to its decision to withdraw from its European Operations. General Motors’ automobile production and sales business was greatly affected by global economic downturn. The economic meltdown across the world and the financial crunch adversely affected the business and sales volume of most of the corporate entities and businesses across the globe. General Motors also felt the pinch of this turmoil and observed a decline in sales and profits because of falling demand of its brands. The increasing levels of unemployment, subsequent reduction in incomes and purchasing power because of higher energy and oil prices increased the inflation that forced consumers to reduce their spending and increase saving. In short, sales decreased considerably and GM with high overheads found it difficult to assimilate the shock. Higher costs of production in European countries where company’s plants are located, weak British pound and â€Å"unfavorable mark-to-market commodity hedging†(company Q1 financial report, 2009) are others reasons that added to the miseries of GM. In short, the General Motor’s financial position became so weak which compelled It to announce its Bankruptcy on June 1 (2009). The money losing units of General Motors in Europe are Opel and Vauxhall. These units observed a drastic reduction in sales (from around 2.2 mn in 2007 to 2.04 in 2008) and profits which tumbled from positive 0.357$ bn (EBT) in 2006 to negative 2$ bn in 2009 (company Q1 financial report, 2009). The sharp reduction in sales and resulting mammoth losses forced GM to sell off its European Operations (Opel and Vauxhall) to an Austrian-Canadian automotive group Magna and its Russian partner
Monday, October 28, 2019
Achievement Motivation Essay Example for Free
Achievement Motivation Essay The cognitive theories stress that need for cognitive stimulus as a way of motivating the learners to acquire new knowledge (Weiner, 1990). Thus whenever learners are faced with new tasks or challenges, they seek a solution based on their past knowledge and skills. This view corroborated Jean Piaget’s past works on how institutions adapt and plan to execute tasks. Piaget, in his various studies held that people confronted with a gap between fresh knowledge and existing knowledge of belief experience a psychological disequilibrium, which prompts them to solve so that they are back to a state of equilibrium (Weiner, 1990).  Another psychologist, Jerome Brunner, supported Piaget’s cognitive theory and suggests that learners should be prompt if identifying such knowledge gaps so that they are closed. However, studies show that the cognitive theory by Piaget is complex in implementations because learners experience different disequilibrium every time and synchrony to fill the gaps is a great challenge (Weiner, 1990). Behavioural Theories The behavioural theories were first studied by B.F. Skinner. This theory stresses the reinforcement of specific behaviour in order for extrinsic rewards achievement. The behavioural theories aid the learning process and understanding of why learners respond positively to some subject in class. This theory therefore offers the first explanation to the subject specialization trends such as languages and mathematics. However, social theorist like Bandura differ with B.F. Skinner and stressed the effects of learners need to be identified with specific subjects such as languages and mathematics. This led to the learners copying other people who have achieved past successes in the same field (Weiner, 1990). Later studies revealed that too much extrinsic motivation such as rewards is counter productive at a later stage and become a barrier to knowledge acquisition. This trend leads to over reliance on the tutor and fails to achieve the positive nature of intrinsic motivations. Therefore, tutors should apply extrinsic rewards only when appropriate as a strategy of maximizing its effects on the learner (Weiner, 1990). The humanistic Theories Abraham Maslow is regarded as the father of humanistic theories of achievement motivation. Maslow posited that people’s needs follows natural needs as ranked in a hierarchical order or importance (Weiner, 1990). Maslow outlined a five-stage pyramid level of needs from the bottom to the apex as follows: physiological needs; safety needs; need to belong; self-esteem; and self-actualization needs. The apex of the pyramid has the self-actualizations and defines the person’s needs to operate under their full capability and capacity. This need is followed by the esteem needs that define the people’s self-projections and need to be recognized. The next level of needs is the belonging. This applies to the people wanting to be associated by peers. The next level of needs is the safety of individuals derived from the environment security. The bottom of the pyramid has the physiological needs, defined by access to food, shelter and drinks among others (Weiner, 1990). Maslow’s needs hierarchy are important for identification of cognitive needs that outline when individuals are satisfied from the basic levels. Maslow’s needs hierarchy will only be effective when people are free to probe the environment, acquire knowledge, show equitable resource distributions, are transparent and maintain order (Weiner, 1990). The problem with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the inability of the tutor to determine the exiting level of the learners’ satisfaction. Similarly, if the tutor is aware, they may not provide the need to the learners. Either way, the tutors have the role of modifying the learning environment to suit the surrounding learners’ needs (Weiner, 1990). Achievement motivation theory John W. Atkinson and David McClelland advanced this theory. This theory holds that people seek to achieve the highest state of aspirations. Therefore, people success aspirations are defined with failure avoidance in mind. These needs are achieved whenever an individual is successful. Thus, successful learners will claim a needs achievement depending on the subject specialization and gender as highlighted in sections of this paper. On this gender issues some studies have shown that females in patriarchal societies avoid success to protect their relationships (Weiner, 1990).  Weiner (1990) did further studies in the area odd achievement motivation. These findings considered factors of learners’ failure to achieve success whereby those who fail blame inability and bad luck. Those who succeed justify low efforts by those who failed and cite ability to succeed. The problem with the achievement theory is ability to measure and evaluate the evaluate the heights of aspirations, specify needs, identify failure as well as varying achievement behaviour (Weiner, 1990). Various works on achievement motivation theories were completed and peer reviewed over the years and most of the findings fall under learning theories and cognition theories as applied under the learners’ context (Dovona-Ope, 2008, p. 25). An adult’s achievement motivation draws its success from historical childhood period where aspirations and self-actualization are set. Therefore, when people grow up in life, they are directed by goals of achievement, which clarify purpose and objectives of achieving academic targets and others (Anderman, et al, 2004, p. 1-26). Further student achievement motivation in any academic program is to accomplish their meet the academic tasks criteria as a contemporary theory. Thus, various academic goals will be outlined to the students’ specific behaviour, intellectual capabilities and level of engagement (Ames, 1992). Student who show high level of self efficacy in special areas of learning are likely to achieve more because of the support they get from their peers, guardians, intellectual maturity and emotional preparedness (Dovona-Ope, 2008, p. 25). Contemporary perspectives on achievement motivation and how they are utilized today According to Dovona-Ope, (2008, p. 26), there are at least four contemporary factors that need to be considered when one is seeking to understand achievement motivations in a scholarly area like PhD. First, one needs to avoid the deceptions that these goals are achievable with an individualistic attitude. In the contract, collectivism with other students pursing similar goals is very important as process mistakes will be corrected effectively. This contemporary theory relies on experience that collective academic pursuit makes problem solving process and goals achievement easier (Dovona-Ope, 2008, p.26). Second, achievement motivation theories should steer of attitudes and belief that people will not succeed. This kind of complacency creates a barrier to achievements in academic process. (Dovona-Ope, 2008, p. 26). It is recommended that pursuant of the goals stick to their original plans and direction despite the many challenges abound. This process is achievable from intrinsic motivations where the goal setter listens to their inner voice that the successful completion of their career will lead to satisfaction (Wolters, 2004, p. 236-250). The earlier mentioned collective association in scholarly tasks would mitigate the fear of lack of achievement of academic goals. Studies show that collective association can overcome difficult academic times because the other member will advance positive ideas (Dovona-Ope, 2008, p. 26). Kahlefeldt (2004) agrees with this position and goes ahead to note that people become what they believe whether in success or failure. The third contemporary theory of achievement motivation is persistence (Dovona-Ope, 2008, p. 26). Persistence is one way to secure achievements learning needs because the goal pursuant focuses irrespective of the inner void to give in. This has implications that people must believe in their capabilities, fortified by self-efficacy in PHD course as an example. Persistence also implies that the learners are able to cope with any diversionary factors along the way (Dovona-Ope, 2008, p. 28). The fourth contemporary theory on achievement motivation is premature declaration of total achievement and success. This state leads to lack of attention to details and barriers to important feedback on the process (Dovona-Ope, 2008, p. 29). Contemporary learning theories suggest that scholars should pay attention to feedback loops and mechanisms because they stand to learn more from their mistakes than from their successes. Schloss, (2001, p.8) supports this view and highlights the importance of some mistakes in a learning process in order to reinforce the achievements when issues are clarified. Other contemporary theories of achievement motivation are been built on place based education environment (Duffin, 2005). This theory suggests that people are motivated to achieve knowledge based on the natural environment and cultural perceptions. Therefore, collective culture will achieve more if the learners are in teams or groups when learning tasks are set. Similarly, the learning tasks will be achieved more when the tasks are learner centred than tutor centred (Athman Monroe, 2004, p. 9-25). In a study to determine the impact of place based education of on achievement motivation in the US, ten different reviews were carried out in more than 16 states with a framework of 265 academic institutions. This study was done over 7 year’s period from 1998. The results showed that this program caused change in the learning institutions culture, improved learners’ engagement and aroused curiosity, increased the learning achievements and prepared new grounds for future teacher practices (Duffin, 2005). Further studies showed that the learners who were exposed to more environmental stimulus achieved more that their counterparts. This particular finding stressed that the school going motivation process alone had over 10% influences in the learners’ achievements. Among the historical theorist in achievement motivation was Atkinson in 1964, who carried out a study to compare learners with high achievement motivation and phobia for failure vis-à -vis learners with high achievement motivation and less failure phobia. This study established four dimensions, the success driven learners, the achievers, the failure phobic, failure embraces. Further studies by Covington Omelich (1991), established that Atkinson’s theory were appropriate and went further to state that females tend to conform to high achievement motivation levels and failure avoidance as compared to males especially in language and mathematics. Studies also show that males tend to achieve more motivation than female counterparts in mathematics do than in languages as a masculine cultural orientation vis-à -vis a feminine culture orientation. Contemporary theories are applied today in various more ways. According to McGonagall, (2007, p. 1-5), contemporary theories are used to tackle the learners challenges to the tutor following their life long experiences in the academic processes. Thus, a tutor may ask learners to interpret a given scenario rather that getting cues from the tutor especially in humanities. In the area of social sciences, contemporary theories are used to unfreeze the elements of common sense amongst the learners. These two elaborations have implications that contemporary theories are used today for awareness of past assumptions that put barriers to the learning process. Therefore, the tutor or trainer assumes a new responsibility of initiating learning change process so that the learners are the centre and key actors (McGonagall, 2007, p. 1). Other areas where contemporary theories are applied are in transformation learning process. In this case, the learners who are now at the centre of the process become assimilated to the achievement motivations. Once learners have successfully been assimilated, there will be lesser resistance to new ideas and minimize knowledge conflicts. Contemporary theories eliminate learning content disorientation then further enhance achievement motivation. This strategy enables learners to identify new knowledge when they face tasks (McGonagall, 2007, p. 2). Contemporary transformation theories are used today to stimulate learners’ self-reflection and efficacy. This is a very critical step because it enables the learners to form peer groups for ideas exchange as they open themselves to criticism. Thereafter the tutor or trainer will be able to comprehend the learners’ knowledge background and the best approaches to measure and evaluate them (McGonagall, 2007, p. 2). The tutors and trainers to are using contemporary theories today to activate the learners’ limitations to a new knowledge beginning by learners’ surveys. The outcomes of such surveys are important for critical reflection of the learners. Later, tutors and trainers can use these outcomes to stimulate critical discourse where learners argue their points of view at peer level (McGonagall, 2007, p. 3). Contemporary transformation theories are used today to balance between learners workload so that they neither resist nor loose hope of their achievement motivations. New ideas management that fosters transparency of goals (McGonagall, 2007, p. 4) achieves this process. Evaluation of Memory Cognitive processes In a study by Koriat, et al. (2004, p. 643-656), memory is an important aspect of cognition because as applied in judgement in a learning process. Memory is the ability to cue knowledge and experience to respond to a stimulus influence (Koriat Bjork , 2005, p. 187-194). Therefore memory during learning is a predictor of competence of illustration of a given content or perspective. Differences in memory especially during an examination process arise due to delays, cue models, illusions or judgement perspectives. All these factors affect achievement motivation of the learners as they show how accurate they will be able to retain impacted knowledge in any learning environment (Koriat, et al. 2004, p. 643-656). Memory subject has various sub processes applicable in achievement motivation: Sensory Memory sub process According to a study by Bigand, et al, (2003, p. 159-171), the sensory memory aids in brief retention of the raw information stimuli as the person decided whether to act or store the message. Sensory memory is often very short and is perceived from the five senses of the body. When sensory memory stimulus is well structured, they can aid the cognitive memory process by enhancing retention of knowledge and skills. Sensory memory articulation is by visuals such as pictures and practical tasks (Yousoof, Sapiyan Kamaluddin, 2006, p. 259-260) In practice, sensory memory prioritizes knowledge during a learning process, hence contribute to achievement motivation. Studies show that sensory memory act without synaptic stimulus because of short feedback system. Tutors normally use sensory memory to model tools and loops for reinforcing the learners’ theoretical concepts. In real practice, sensory memory has a metaphorical symbol in learning to bridge the gap between abstract and real factors or knowledge achievement motivation (Yousoof, Sapiyan Kamaluddin, 2006, p. 259-260).  Working memory sub process Following a research by Juff (2004, p. 199-226), working memory is useful in aptitude tests to show how people connect phonological loops, grammar and lexis especially when one is learning a second language. Working memory also defines how one uses vocabulary when speaking, writing, behaving, frequency of use of words, styles of grammar and the word connections (Juff, 2004, p. 199-226). In terms of Achievement motivation, working memory applies in proficiency tests, reading tests, vocabulary breadth and in sentence constructions. Further, working memory is useful in aptitude tests and examination of language proficiency attainment (Juff, 2005, p. 121-151). In real practice, working memory also show how fast one is able to communicate in a given language or subject of specialization, that is, ability to distinguish one subject from the other by achievement motivation (Juff, 2004, p. 199-226). Long-term memory sub process According to a study by Wan (2007), long-term memory is the ability to retrieve information store after a long period of from a conservational and operational point of view. Long-term memory depends on the information classification therefore this is a predictor of how the information will be presented on stimulus (Wan, 2007). If information is old, it will not be retained and this explains how learners loose information in the longer learning period. Studies carried out to analyse long-term memory relation to cognitive process showed that the period of follow up after knowledge was impacted is very important for longer-term retention. Additionally long-term memory improves with regular rehearsal (Nuthall, 2000). In real practice, this has implications that academic contents need regular tests in order to improve the memory by the learners and their achievement motivation. Recognition sub process A study to establish existing differences in recognition (Ray Reingold, 2003, p. 131-137) showed that mismatches starts at the information coding stage and later at the encoding stage. Further, knowledge recognition depended on the sequence of internalization and speed of the process. Therefore, learners with better recognition simply reflected those who could quickly match the stimulus with the internalized knowledge codes. This study also showed that a delay in probing the store knowledge might case a lapse in recognition of certain information. In real practice, the recognition factor has implications that learning tasks need regular performance and practice other than the normal theory process of achievement motivation (Ray Reingold, 2003, p. 131-137). Recall sub process A study by Cowan et al. (2005, p. 67-73), to establish how immediate recall is affected by speed of the brain process, showed that speed was not a major issue on the accuracy of the knowledge recall. This study confirmed that knowledge presentation speed affected recall, as is the case when practical learning experiments are executed under times sessions rather than under leisure sessions. Additional factors that affected recall are the speed and frequency of rehearsal. As far as the recall is either verbal or writer form, recitation is attributed to higher recalls in verbal presentations (Cowan et al., 2005, p. 67-73). Further, this study concluded that capacity of knowledge, other than speed might also impact on the recall process, so that dense scope of information may take longer to recall. This study was very cautious on the speed variable because a set of manipulations gave different outcomes as far as recall is concerned. Finally, this study established that recall of difficult tasks may sometimes be easier that for easy tasks because the learner keep putting a lot of effort in trying to memorize and recall the knowledge. Therefore, it is common to see such a learner experience tip of the tongue phenomenon when trying to recall a simpler task (Cowan et al., 2005, p. 67-73). Recall process has achievement motivation implications that lexical learning process will be either slow or fast depending of the modes of tests as either rehearsed or random. Similarly, this study as implications that speed of learning can moderately affect recall, therefore learning process and curriculum development should bear capacity and duration in mind (Cowan et al., 2005, p. 67-73). In real practice, the variance in recall accuracy has implications that learners should be taught in phases when tasks are complex rather than in bloc strategies so that above average recall is achievement and motivated. Elaboration sub process According to a study by Reigeluth (1992, p. 80-86), on the elaboration theory, showed that learning contents need to be arranged in a hierarchical order of complexity to increased retention effects. The elaboration theory insinuates that simpler tasks should precede complex tasks in a learning process in order for the learners’ achievement motivation to stay alive. This elaboration theory has implications that the learners should always be reminded of previous lessons so that they can build on the next level of knowledge. This strategy will enable the learner to gain meaning of the following knowledge and skills internalization (English Reigeluth, 1996, p. 23-42). The elaboration process calls for various factors in order to be successful in a learning process; clarity of sequence; set induction sequence; conclusions; synthesis; ideas; recall strategies; and finally, the learners management (Reigeluth, 1992, p. 80-86). The elaboration theory is relevant in the way the tutor will present the current lesson as a continuation from the previous lesson. The elaboration theory also needs specific objectives, ideas and concepts to be broken down step by step so that the learner can optimize recall of the skills and knowledge (English Reigeluth, 1996, p. 23-42). The elaboration theory is relevant in today’s learning process because the tutor that has identified the fast and slow learners can put in extra efforts to improve the performance of the slow learners. In real practice, the elaboration theory also emphasizes that practical lessons should be included in the lesson planning to reinforce the theoretical learning process and achievement motivation. This can be achieved practically by workshops, laboratory and field visits (Reigeluth, 1992, p. 80-86). Rehearsal sub process According to a study by Dosher and Ma (1998, p. 316-335), longer words tend to slow in recall as compared to shorter words. Therefore, words like she; to; buy; put; me; are easier to recall than words like tomorrow; exaggerated; purchase; masquerade; e.t.c. The purpose of rehearsal is to improve the recall rate of such words in order for the length to shorten from a psychological point of view (Parlie, Singh, Vasudevan, 2006, p. 80 88). Rehearsal will suppress the phonological lengths and ease the articulation of the longer words just like the case of the shorter words. Once this is achieved, the learner will be able to give a continuous speech with accurate pronunciations (Dosher and Ma (1998, p. 316-335). In real practice, the relevance of the rehearsal process is in the patients with speech problems especially those who incapacitated muscular control of language. Rehearsal will improve the overall speech gaps and controls. Rehearsal can act as maintenance of phonological control process in achievement motivation (Baddeley, 2000, p. 544-549). Sub process Applications As learners transform from one level of academic achievement to the next, say from masters to PhD, they recognize the criticism that required them to achieve higher that the previous levels (Shin, Daly Vera, 2007). This pressure may cause some degree of depression, self-esteem complexes, overload and feeling of quitting. This has implications that achievement motivation and the career level engagements are inseparable from memory sub process. Some factors like ethnicity of the learner, verses tutor or supervisor, degree of peer support (Hanushek, et al 2003, p. 527- 544), and the learning norms can also impact of the memory achievement motivation (Shin, Daly Vera, 2007, p. 379- 388). A critical literature review established a research pattern that focuses on memory achievement motivation over the last two decades. Studies in the area of memory attribution or motivation theories have led to 4 categories of findings. First, Tutors should avoid aiding learners using elaborations unnecessarily when the tasks are simple because slow and low achieving learners regard this as a hint due to their low capabilities and learning efficacy (Graham Baker, 1990, p. 7-14); (Schunk, 1990). Second, learners’ earlier sign of efficacy for achievements via strategies like rehearsals should propel them to high performance so that they take charge of their individual lives (Schunk, 1990). Third, learners that regulate their learning achievements are in line with their self-efficacy and reality of personal capabilities to achieve high outcome in the learning environment and have recognition that the process is worth its course (Schunk, 1990). This is true because the learners’ metacognitive plans, evaluation and realignments show their ability to control the input in the learning tasks (Graham Baker, 1990, p. 7-14). Fourth, learners’ initial academic exposure such as master degree will play a key part in the next level academic achievement such as PhD because they have better recall of previous knowledge and skills (Graham Baker, 1990, p. 7-14); (Schunk, 1990). Studies in the area of memory achievement have also lead to 4 main categories of findings. First, learners are motivated when they believe that tutors are concerned about their outcomes as far as long-term memory is concerned (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990). Thus tutors that care show interactions with the learners and this bridges the gaps between their learning expectations and the knowledge status (Wenzel, 1997). Similarly, tutors that show concern for the learners’ progress complete the feedback loop in a positive manner (Ryan Pintrich, 1997). Second, learners will rarely seek assistance when they know that their memory self-efficacy will be in question; when their cognitive prowess is down; and when they see very little gains from the help process. In the contrary, proactive learners who seek to boost their working memory will seek tutors guidance appropriately (Ryan Pintrich, 1997). Third, highly motivated learners that are utilizing the learning opportunities effectively are likely to be high sensory memory achievers (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990 p. 41-49). Various learning strategies will yield varied outcomes based on the learners’ perception of the age of the learning tools and materials. This has implications that tutors should stress on domains of new learning tools every time they make new changes from the weaknesses of the previous memory learning tools (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990 p. 41-49). Fourth, learners are motivated to cheat when their learning institution stresses on performance and rote memory skills; when they perceive that cheating is okay; when the tutors stress extrinsic outcomes with poor elaboration; when the learners are stressed up on their academic tasks and cannot recall knowledge (Anderman et al, 1998). The various psychologist and theorists base these critical views on actual observations. Thus, learners that are perpetually cheating in exams take motivation from high administration demands for success and achievement especially in mathematics and languages (Anderman et al, 1998). Other learners who transfer to new institutions and were not held more accountable for achievements in the previous institution, hence cheating may be rampant. Learners not held responsible tend to relax the long-term memory achievement priorities and failure may not be an option. Learners that have high self-efficacy will tend to regulate their study times so that they have a tenable strategy for achievement and technique for success (Anderman et al, 1998). Finally, learner with high self-efficacy will shun tutor help as which contradicts the earlier observation that those with low efficacy and achievement also shun help. Therefore, this critical analysis will be useful in training tutors to manage a diverse learning environment and people (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990 p. 41-49). Various cognitive sub processes can also impact on memory achievement motivation. The expectancy theory by Atkinson was tested for achievement motivation trajectories especially in mathematics and languages across the gender divide. The tests showed that language acquisition and skills motivations were insignificant and depended on the achievement motivation. However, females tend to acquire more achievement motivation in languages than males from 10 years onwards (Penner, 2003, p. 650-655). Characteristics of cognition and learning and application context within learners’ specialization in summarizing the relationship between training and education in the context of cognition. There are driving factors that summarize the relationship between training and education in the context of cognition. Learners need to understand the contents and goals so that they can add value to their lives. This has implications that the training or tutorial process must be well defined for maximum achievement motivation. Learners need to take active role in the training or tutorial process so that they acquire the latest knowledge and skills. This has implications that the learners must be responsible in the whole process of achievement motivation (Shunk, 1990). Learners need to experience the ultimate success after each training or tutorial. This has implications that the training or tutorial process must be realistic and the feedback loop must be shortened and effective. Learners need to receive rewards for every level of achievement whether intrinsic or extrinsic. This has implications that the learning process must be safe and prepared for this achievement motivation reward delivery. Learners need to ample time to rehearse, recall, elaborate, recognize and work through the course contents. This has implications that the training or tutorial contents must be relevant and objective for the learners future career and achievement motivation. Finally, learners need to evaluate their working memory by themselves regularly. This has implications that peer and social cognitive characteristics need stimulation earlier in the course contents to facilitate self-evaluations for achievement motivation process (Shunk, 1990). There are various characteristics of cognition and learning that can be applied within the learners’ context and area of specialization to sum up the training needs and the academic context of cognition. These include the learner self control under achievement motivation; the flexibility during the learning process; internalizations of the learning contents; persistence of the leaner ; acceptability to accomplish complex tasks; phobia of learning; success inclinations and tendencies; learning independence; willingness to learn; ability to set achievable goals; orientation to the academic level; learners competitiveness and aggression; learners mastery, dominance or area or specialization; learning content flow; learners ability to compensate for content gaps; and learners pride in content achievement motivation ( Byrne, et al, 2004, p. 203-217). When it comes to these attributes ability to be mapped to predict the training needs and education for cognition, there are no major studies that have been accomplished. What is certain is that many countries are using these factors of personalities apply these characteristics in simulations so that they can be used in interviewing workers for respective jobs as a predictor of their success at jobs (Fleenor, McCauley Brutus, 1996, p. 486 -506). The relationship between training and education in cognition should be developed from the job area that the current learner has in mind; outline the achievement goals in the training area; specify the degree of achievement proficiency; ability to internalizes the contents of the training so that the overall job performance is boosted. Since the learners are majors in the subjects, the tutor need to adopt their learning style so that the locus of control can be directed to enable the learners take responsibility in the training process to maximize achievement motivation. This approach will also ensure that the learners exploit any available opportunities to enable them make the best decisions. This process will best be accomplished by the learners self evaluation within the study context irrespective of their individual characteristics.  There are additional characteristics of cognition and learning applications that must be applied to the learners’ area of specialization for optimum achievement motivation. First, cognition and learning need an enabling environment so that the learners are free to interact and internalized the contents (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990, p. 41-49). Second, cognition and learning applications should evaluate the learners existing knowledge ahead of outlining new knowledge to be impacted (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990, p. 41-49). Third, cognition and learning applications need to be realistic and sensibly tied to the objectives with clarity on the performance benchmarks (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990, p. 41-49). Fourth, cognition and learning applications should devote appropriate timeframe so that the skills are internalized (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990, p. 41-49).  Fifth, cognition and learning applications should stress content validity so that the learners can make good use of their time (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990, p. 41-49). Sixth, cognition and learning applications should specify the tasks in a priority manner so that learners can optimize the knowledge and skills in order or priority (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990, p. 41-49). Seventh, cognition and learning applications should delegate tasks based on the complexity and learners capabilities. Finally, cognition and learning applications should seek constant feedback by measurement and evaluation (Pokay Blumenfeld, 1990, p. 41-49). Conclusion: Social and personal influences on cognition and how these influences the learner’s specialization This paper has evaluated the role of achievement motivation on cognition and learning along the various characteristics of the learners’ contexts. There are variances in the achievement motivations based on the learners’ specialization such as mathematics or languages. This study did not find a specific pattern to suggest that achievement motivation is gender biases passà ©, but show that gender characteristics have some level of influence on achievement motivation process and outcome. As a social factor, this study established that achievement motivation can be effected through peer learners association, tutors tools and styles of engaging the students and quality time spent between the tutor and the learner. As a personal factor, this study also established that achievement motivation can be effected today by the study based settings or environment in addition to the individual learners efforts. This study highlighted cognitive, behavioral, humanistic and achievement motivational theories as the main historical foundations for achievement motivation (Weiner, 1990). Further individual motivational characteristics were found to predict the learners’ achievement motivation today. Specifically factors that are closer to the learners such as the classroom environment, learning tools, styles and tutors will vary the achievement motivation. These social and personal influences can be applied in a linear style to influence the learners’ specialization (Singer Willet, 2003). From a gender perspective this study shows that the achievement motivation progress of males can be more predictable than of females in the language instructions today. This has implications that males who specialize in languages may need more contact hours with the tutor than their female counterparts.  As a summary of social and personal influence on cognition and achievement motivation, this study established that various learner memory characteristics such as rehearsal, elaboration, recall, recognition, long-term memory, working memory and sensory memory among other factors, contribute separately or in tandem to overall achievement motivation today. Therefore, for an achievement motivations impact on the social and personal influence on cognition to be realized, this study is of the opinion that controlling achievement motivation using contemporary theories should be prioritized and validated with learning and cognitive theories. In order to influence the learners specialization positively today, the learner must develop self efficacy and minimize hopelessness by living to high achievement motivation expectations (Shunk, 1990, p. 3-6). Therefore learners must ensure they are able to rehearse contents, following the tutors best practices and elaborations. Learners must recognize the need for knowledge and skills recall as a success factor in their future life career. Learners with long term memory will find less need for retraining or tutorial refreshment with additional sensory memory tools. Memory can be enhances in an academic program by tests of the skills achievements (Luo Craik, 2008). This study reveals that memory can be enhanced from training approaches under a controlled learning process. Generally, memory supports achievement motivation under strategic modification and when it is learner centred. Thus, prospective memory is good for long-term memory achievement. Learners who cannot recall knowledge and engage in cheating are engaging in false memory presentation (Luo Craik, 2008).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Music Business Journal Analysis :: essays research papers fc
Music Business Journal Analysis      The Music Business Journal is an online journal based in the United Kingdom. The two editors, JoJo Gould and Jonathan Little, are both lecturers, researchers, and writers in the music industry. When they saw that the music industry was underdeveloped in academic terms, the two founded the Music Business Journal to â€Å"facilitate the sharing of information and knowledge across a range of music industry activities.†Consultants for the journal come from a wide array of expertise and from all over the world. Countries represented are the U.K., Australia, U.S.A., and Turkey.      The members of the Music Business Journal never have formal meetings as it is specifically an online journal. Members from around the world, however, can submit articles, interviews, reviews of products, etc. to get posted on the website for their peers to view. In fact, each year one member earns an award for writing the best article published on the journal’s site. It is important to note that many of the members of the MBJ are also members of music business associations such as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and/or the National Association of Recording Industry Professionals (NARIP), both of which hold annual meetings.      The specific audience for this publication are music industry professionals; including recording label’s staff, studio engineers, and producers; however the journal can also be useful for educators, journalists, and the general public. The information provided in the journal could serve a variety of purposes but it is mostly an analytical source of news. The articles within the journal analyze the latest trends in the music industry and layout possibilities for the future.      The articles in this journal are not topic specific. There are a wide variety of articles found in the journal with topics ranging from record labels to sampling to copyright infringement to safety regulations and even historical information. By taking this wide angled approach, the MBJ makes sure to include information for anyone’s personal interest in the music industry, without being too specialized. A reader would probably never use this journal as their primary source of news/education in their particular focus within the field; however, they could use this journal as a way of learning about other facets in the music industry they are not already familiar with.      As mentioned earlier, the writers for the Music Business Journal come from all over the globe, with the editors and staff mostly working as professors and lecturers at universities.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Identity of Humans Essay -- essays research papers fc
What is a human being? A human being is a combination of the biological makeup of the individual and the state of being. The state of being can be characterized by the individual’s state of consciousness, and an individual’s state of consciousness is characterized by his or her identity. In the most general sense, identity refers to one’s answer to the question, who am I? 1 To fully understand and grasp the concepts and ideas related to identity, two different psychological perspectives will be explored, as well as three theorists including Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Abraham Maslow, and Carl Rogers. Freud - Psychic Structures Sigmund Freud explored identity through the psychodynamic theory of Psychosexual Development. According to psychodynamic theory, the human personality is characterized by a dynamic struggle as basic physiological drives come into conflict with laws and social codes.2 Freud then categorized human personality into elements, or psychic structures. Freud hypothesized the existence of three psychic structures: the ID, the EGO, and the SUPEREGO. 3 The ID is present at birth, represents physiological drives, and is unconscious. The ID follows the pleasure principle, which demands instant gratification of instincts without consideration for the law, social norms, or the needs of others. The EGO begins to develop during the first year of life when the child learns that his or her demands for instant gratification cannot always be met immediately. The EGO stands for reason, good sense, and for rational ways of coping with frustration. The EGO is guided through the reality principle, which take s into consideration what is practical and possible in gratifying needs. According to Freud, it is the EGO, which provides the conscious sense of self. The SUPEREGO is the third and final psychic structure, which develops throughout early childhood. The SUPEREGO incorporates moral standards and values into the individual though the moral principle, which sets moral standards and enforces adherence to them. The SUPEREGO monitors the actions of the EGO and judges them right or wrong. If the SUPEREGO judges an action as ‘wrong’ then the SUPEREGO floods the EGO with feelings of guilt and shame.4 Freud - Psychosexual Stages of Development      Freud theorized the Psychosexual Stages of Development, which is the process by which libid... ... form to another based on exposure to the environment. Through exploration of these various vies on identity development, a better understanding can be reached for what a human being is. Bibliography Benner, David G., and Peter C. Hill., ed. Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1999 Elkind, David. â€Å"Erik Erikson’s Eight Ages of Man†New York Times Magazine April 1970: 25ff Erikson, Erik H. Identity: Youth & Crisis. New York: Norton and Co., 1968 Kroger, Jane. Identity in Adolescence – The Balance between Self and Other. London: Routledge, 1989 Kunkel, John H. Encounters with Great Psychologists: Twelve Dramatic Portraits. Toronto: Wall & Thompson, 1989 McDavid, John W., and Gary Garwood. Understanding Children: Promoting Human Growth. Lexington, Massachusstts: D.C. Health Company, 1978 Papalia, Diane E., and Sally W. Olds. Human Development. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986 Rathus, Spencer A. Psychology. Fourth edition. Orlando, Fl: Moore and Moore Publishing, 1990 Tarnecki, James. Personal interview. 11 March 2001. Tarnecki, James. Personal interview. 2 April 2001 Tarnecki, James. Personal interview. 10 April 2001
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
George Gray Essay
Have you felt you wanted to get somewhere but are too afraid to do it. In George Gray he is reaching to find meaning in his life but is too afraid to find something. He is too scared that he will be hurt by the outcome or defeated by life in some way that he will not reach out. Now in his poem he is telling how he wants to find the meaning of life by saying he will set the sails to and find it. The mood of this poem is depressing, and demoralizing. The author has no meaning in life and it is horrible as he puts it. The mood is set in this poem by some of the words like sorrow, dreaded, madness, and torture. These are used to show how it is like during and before the journey towards a meaning. The first literary device is the personification, â€Å"Sorrow knocked at my door.†What this is saying is that he felt so depressed that sorrow was right next to him. Like the saying death came knocking at my door this means that he was taken over by sorrow just like someone is taken over by death. The second literary device is â€Å"Ambition called to me.†This is another personification. What it is trying to say is that he had a chance to do something great but he was too fearful of the outcome that he did not do it. What the poem is leading up to is that he has had so many chances to have a purpose in life but always shuts them out. In conclusion what this poem was trying to do, was show the reader about the authors life, and how he had shut out every good thing that had come his way. The personification in this poem emphasized the multiple opportunities he had to help himself.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Progressivism in the United States
Progressivism in the United States took place in the period between the Spanish-American War and the entry of the United States into the great World War. It was a time for change in America in all walks of life, as well as a time for reform. It was marked by Theodore Roosevelts 7 and a half years in office, the Rough Rider put it upon himself to make the first strides towards reform. These reforms included the cracking down on illegal monopolies and so forth. During this era large cities transformed into large metropolises, small towns into large cities and new towns sprang up nearly everywhere. Reforms also included the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth amendments. The progressive era really had significant impact in Americas history. The progressive movement had many origins. One of these was the battle against governmental corruption and inability, in other words a struggle for civil services reform. The progressive movement was initiated by liberals in both political parties, the fight for government reform can be traced back to Liberal Republicans(An Oxymoron, Mr. Jetel?) during the Grant administration and Mugwumps. Citizens were enraged, with big businesses growing influence in all branches of government and sought ways to purify it. Big Business was also a target of progressivism. During this time presidents like Roosevelt and William Howard Taft tried to regulate and control big business. Many well educated people of the time, as well as moderately prosperous businessmen and members of other professions(middle class) felt threatened by the increasing power of big business and the tycoons. These people were also disturbed by the Big business influence in politics, making a mockery of the democratic system. Then with the failure of the interstate commerce act and the Sherman act, made big business look unstoppable. As...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Review of Huckleberry Finn.
Review of Huckleberry Finn. According to The San Francisco Chronicle, Huck Finn "must be pronounced the most amusing book Mark Twain has written for years." The article adds, "There is no limit to his (Twain's) inventive genius, and the best proof of its range and originality is found in this book." Needless to say, the book is given a favorable review by this publication for its creativity and its consistently entertaining storyline. The characters are engrossing and their descriptions and developments are "always good." The characters' antics are unforgettable, most notably, Huck and his companions' adventures while they travel through the Mississippi. Events such as the usurpation of Peter Wilk's brothers, Huck's cross-dressing, and Tom's eccentric ideas which transformed into the actual plan to save Jim are all particularly noteworthy. Nevertheless, not all of the bits in the story are, "an attempt at caricature." The review emphasizes that the settings in the story are very realistic.San Francisco Chronicl eRanging from the Phelps' one-horse cotton plantation to the small towns along the Mississippi, the locations are believable. The vernacular and commonplace customs are also noticeable. The article states, "Any one who has ever lived in the South, or who has visited that section, will recognize the truth of all these sketches and the art which they are brought into this story." All of these qualities make the experience of reading the book enjoyable, hence "The volume is very well gotten up, the illustrations adding materially to the fun of the story."The San Francisco Evening Bulletin views Huck Finn as anything but a masterpiece. The review declares that, "his (Twain's) books have the character of commercial ventures. He probably estimates in advance his book (Huck Finn) has been put on the market with more advertising." While the positive review sees humor as the...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Customers essays
Customers essays What type of customer are you? Have you ever thought about how a customer service employee views you as a customer? I have worked, on and off, in the food and beverage industry for fifteen years and I have seen many different customers along with their many different problems. Although the customers and problems may differ, the types of customers in a restaurant setting can be categorized into four main groups. The first group is the demanding customers. They want everything right now and are not shy about asking. They do not take in consideration that they are not the only people in the restaurant. They usually have their server running around like a chicken with its head cut off because they cannot organize their demands to ask for everything they want so that the server only has to make one or two trips. I had one customer demand that the lights be turned up while they were obviously being adjusted to achieve the correct The second group is the complaining customers. This type of customer thinks that everything that happens in the restaurant is the servers fault, including being sat in the dark corner and also the dry, cold meat between the harden bun of their sandwich. This is the type of customer that cannot read as well. They order the food from the menu and when it is brought to them they proclaim that french fries did not come with this sandwich. If they had read the menu, they would have seen that french fries are, in fact, included. Sometimes no matter what is done it is never enough to make them happy. The third group is the quiet customers or the passive diners. They are extremely polite people. They keep eye contact with the server and carry on pleasant conversations. When asked how their food is, they will generally say that it is fine, though looking at the ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - Research Paper Example The success of e-business depends on how long a customer spends time in an e-business website. Amazon did everything needed to tie up the customers in their website. They have formulated different strategies to attract the net customers. Most of the internet users are youths and has everything needed to attract the youth customers. This paper briefly analyses the history, supply chain management process, online auction features, competitors and current market position of History was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 in America†(, Inc). Initially it started as an online bookshop. However it expanded its business during the late 1990s and diversified its business to areas such as to offer the CDs, videos, DVDs, electronics, toys, tools, home furnishings and house wares, apparel, and kitchen gadgets etc (, Inc, n. d). Amazon entered the internet world in 1995 and registered as a public company in 1997. In 1998, they entered the on line music and video business and in 1999, they started to sell toys, electronics, tools, and hardware using their e-commerce website. Though the company has started as an online bookstore, currently it has products such as music CD’s, VHS, DVD, computer software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food toys, etc apart from books. It has started film production also in 2008. Amazon has several websites custom made for countries like Canada, Germany, France, China, UK, Japan etc. The company did not focus on profits for the initial five years and spend much of its revenues in expansions in the initial years. This business strategy brought immense dividends to the company as per the recent statistics. Current market position Currently employs more than 7800 employees and as per the statistics of 2002, it has reported $ 3.9 billion sales (, Inc, n. d). It is the largest online retailer at present in United States. The closest competitor Staple s Inc has only 1/3 rd of the revenues of as per the statistics available in 2010. As per the recent statistics, it ranked 272 in the list of Fortune 500 companies. Supply chain management process Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the process of controlling the movements of goods or services from suppliers to buyers. The efficiency of supply chain management depends on the availability of the material based on the demand. There should not be more goods in the store if the demand is less; at the same time there should be adequate number of goods always if the demand is good. Amazon has one of the most efficient, sophisticated and advanced supply chain management systems in the world. â€Å"Homemade applications handle nearly every aspect of its supply chain: warehouse management, transportation management, inbound and outbound shipping, demand forecasts, inventory planning, and more†(Bacheldor, 2004). In other words, all the aspects of supply chain management are man aged with the help of advanced software at The human intervention is very less in the supply chain management process and the machines are dominating in this sector. Thus the chances of human errors which may delay the supply chain management process are very less. For example, computers and software are assisting Amazon in taking orders, processing orders and in ensuring the delivery of goods in time. Whenever, an item is purchased from
Friday, October 18, 2019
Roman Fever by Edith Wharton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Roman Fever by Edith Wharton - Essay Example The main characters of the short story are two elderly women Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley. Thorough the theme of marriage, the author shows that most women rely upon successful match in order to achieve high social position. The short story suggests something of the historical loss for women of transferring the sense of self to relationships with men. For instance, Mrs. Slade reflected "he had always regarded herself (with a certain conjugal pride) as his equal in social gifts, as contributing her full share to the making of the exceptional couple they were" (Wharton). Wharton depicts that social status plays an important role in life of both women, because high social position determine their happiness and guarantee public recognition. The character of Mrs. Ansley does not differ greatly from her friend. "Mrs. Ansley was much less articulate than her friend, and her mental portrait of Mrs. Slade was slighter" (Wharton). Both women portrayed as typical wives whose domestic role is pred etermined. The theme of widowhood helps Wharton to unmask contradiction arisen in the society and criticize dependence of women upon their husbands. Wharton vividly portrays that women mean nothing as social members without their husbands. "Yes; being the Slade's widow was a dullish business after that. In living up to such a husband all her faculties had been engaged; now she had only her daughter to live up to" (Wharton). In reality, both women find themselves defeated by the social norms they have followed all their life. Wharton unveils that their society had been solid and secure up to the moment their husbands were alive. To some extent, this short story shows a parody of the happy ending when women are faced with realities of live after death of their husbands. It seems that after husbands' deaths women are excluded from social life. Wharton criticizes social statuses and positions which play a crucial role for women and unveils that women can commit any crime and play any trick upon their friends in order to secure their high position and public recognition. Wharton depicts that friendship does not exist between Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley, because their lives have been nothing more than a struggle for happiness and high social position. For instance, Mrs. Slade has hated her friend all her life because Mrs. Ansley is lovely and cleverer than she is. Many years ago Mrs. Slade betrayed her in order to secure her marriage which meant high social position. Mrs Slade recollects: "And I remember laughing to myself all that evening at the idea that you were waiting around there in the dark, dodging out of sight, listening for every sound, trying to get in" (Wharton). Wharton criticizes that only marriage can preserves the vital social values of stability, continuity and propriety. Only at the cost of brutally suppressi ng equally powerful individual
Crisis Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Crisis Management - Essay Example While security cover is definitely essential for public figures, it cannot be implemented at the cost of inconvenience to other public. The essential concept of security cover needs to be based on preventive strategy which also caters sufficiently for abnormal and emergency security conditions. Security cordon needs to ensure prevention of carriage of arms in close vicinity of the dignitary, visible and invisible security protection in two or three security tiers, traveling to be undertaken in protected convoys, deceptive actions like frequent alternative routes, frequent rotation of dignitary in convoy vehicles, medical evacuation facilities and other such measures as described below: Security Cordon. Visible elements like uniformed and civilian clothed security guards should form a cordon in two or three tiers with bullet-proof jackets around the dignitary during all his movements in public areas. Metal detectors and physical check-up of people likely to come into close proximity with the dignitary should also be undertaken to prevent anyone carrying arms with an intention of harm. Travel. The dignitary is to travel in a convoy of three vehicles with his seating to be decided at last moment. An ambulance with necessary medical and emergency equipment is to join as the fourth vehicle. 02 armed guards are to be present in all the three vehicles. As far as possible, he is to be carried in a bullet-proof car. Three routes are to be pre-decided out of which one is to be chosen at the last moment. Public Appearances. Efforts have to focus on proactive prevention techniques by developing ways to identify and neutralize people who pose a threat to the dignitary. Essentially, this would involve cordoning off the immediate area to the extent possible with facilities for observation from elevated towers, preventing carriage of arms to the meetings, identifying and preventing individuals with past known criminal record from entering the area, take assistance from all law-enforcing agencies in achieving such precautions to the extent possible and ensure his safety in public places with or without use of force. Meeting the Press. Most dignitaries love to meet press and show their security-be-damned attitudes for sake of cheap popularity. Security personnel have to accomplish their duty in spite of these conditions. The press members should be thoroughly sensitized regarding security threats to the dignitary. Further, the press members have to be clearly identifiable and preferably segregated from the public to interact with our dignitary. The dignitary should also be advised of the measures undertaken by us and requested to cooperate by not breaking the security cordon. If possible, an organized press conference should be arranged at an appropriate closed in-house location than publicly. Medical. A competent medical attendant duly cleared by security agencies for his clean and reliable background record with all necessary emergency equipment is to follow the convoy in the ambulance. A specialist doctor should remain on emergency call during the entire duration. Protection Plan for Residence. Security arrangements at residence would involve the following: a. A well laid-out security cordon to block any miscreant from entering the residence. b. Regular patrolling of all vulnerable points along the residence. c. Scanning and keeping a watchful eye on all incoming visitors including employees at
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Annotated Bibiliography 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Annotated Bibiliography 3 - Assignment Example Such presentations include tests for students on their abilities to drive while texting: those who want to test their abilities have to navigate around set obstacles and answer seemingly easy questions. Penning says that even though the questions are easy, they distract teens a lot and does not allow them driving properly. Very often, both adults and teens believe that they are the only ones who can perform several tasks at a time. In reality, it is not so. About 90 percent of all collisions result from distracted driving, with the majority of cases resulting from texting while driving. The latter is more dangerous than talking on the phone or to passengers while at the wheel. As Pennings says, conversations tend to overshadow driving. Before cell phones, the problem of distraction while driving existed as drivers were talking to the passengers. Overall, when being engaged in a conversation, an average driver sees only a half of what appears in frony of him / her on the road. There is a wide range of no-texting apps for cell phones that send calls to voice mail, silence texts etc. when inside a moving vehicle; all of them can be downloaded from the Google Play or App Store. Pennings argues that these apps will not change the situation for the better because governments cannot make citizens use them. The author of the article refers to the experience of a person who is directly connected to the problem of texting while driving. Brian Pennings is an expert in his field, and his own ideas and statistical data he quotes make the source under consideration reliable and worth using in the research. In addition to this, the author of the article refers to Pennings’ ideas and discusses quite an interesting and, more importantly, innovative way of eliminating driving distractions in the form of cell phones, which is the use of apps for cell phones. This article may contribute
Organizational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Organizational Behaviour - Essay Example The happier an individual is within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance, methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work groups. Job satisfaction is a very important attitude which is frequently measured by organisations. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to rate of pay, work responsibilies, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers. Current paper provides comparatative analysis of five articles about job satisfaction as well as reports research on two additional articles. Basically there are 7 sources that alltogether provide a good overview on the issue. Job satisfaction is in regard to ones feelings or state-of-mind regarding the nature of their work. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors, eg, the quality of ones relationship with their supervisor, the quality of the physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc. In the articles of Joseph E. Gawel â€Å"Herzbergs theory of motivation and Maslows hierarchy of needs†the author describes two behavioral theories that were long generally believed and embraced by business – the one of Frederick Herzberg and Abraham Maslow. Herzberg, a psychologist, proposed a theory about job factors that motivate employees. Maslow, a behavioral scientist and contemporary of Herzbergs, developed a theory about the rank and satisfaction of various human needs and how people pursue these needs. These theories are widely cited in
Law, Globalisation & Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Law, Globalisation & Ethics - Essay Example With the world becoming a global village and globalisation is a common phenomenon, there is a complete need for the strengthening of the law and order in the society and also the society becoming ethical in its approach. With the increase of globalisation the rate of natural calamities on the world has also increased, and it has become a tremendous problem for the sustenance of mankind. It has even a long term effect on those who have survived from such deadly event. It is almost impossible to prevent such happenings but what can be possible is to soothe the life of the victims who have been affected by such events. This can only be done through the constant effort of the law and ethical orientation of the society. And it has to take place not only from the affected place but also from the entire world, which is actually the true meaning of globalisation (Sayles, 2008). UK’s International Search and Rescue Team is a special team which has been successful in many life saving operations throughout the world. It is been operating since the year 1967. To undertake rescue missions both in United Kingdom a well as abroad, it is registered under the British Government, the United Nations Secretariat (INSARAG) and even with the International Civil Defence Organisation. In all major events ranging from floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, war and missile attacks, the team has been constantly beside the victims. The teams have supported such victims in all possible way they could have done. They have saved thousands of life in such misfortune events. With the growing dangers even there is a growing need of such volunteers to be part of the international rescue missions. But it should also be checked that the law and the ethical conditions permit to such situations (British Civil Defence, n.d.). The fire department is one such department that has been one of the most valiant departments fighting with all odds to save the life of several people
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Office gossip Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Office gossip - Case Study Example Lilly had been working in the company as a salesperson, where she came across a customer, named Keith Lasky, with whom she was found in an objectionable condition, in her office talking sexy and creating noise with Lasky, which was not acceptable for her co-workers altogether. Since her company had appointed Lilly to enter into sales venture with the customers and clients, and she had been paying due heed to the same by producing excellent results during the course of performing her duties, she should have also kept in view that she was not only under-obligation to increase sales volume of the company, she was also expected to work for the good name and fame of her workplace. The company had bestowed its unflinching trust in Lilly, and it used to appoint her for its overseas operational services; it is therefore, her developing sexual relationships with one of the customers of the company not only appeared to be disgusting for her co-workers and colleagues, but also this act of her portrayed a very awkward scenario for the company that the sales staff of the company could touch even the bottom for generating business from the customers. In addition, the wrong-doing initiated by Lilly by developing extra-marital relationship with a customer introduced the condemnable trend that the female sales staff would also have to offer their physical charms for the sexual gratification of the customers in order to promote the company subsequently. Hence, her irresponsible act brought humiliation and defamation to the company, as the customers could communicate the same to the public at large that the company also offers the female staff for the sexual pleasures of the customers for capturing the attraction of others. Moreover, a married woman’s entering into extra-marital relationship with a customer was equally humiliating for her husband and children, as they would never allow such indecent activities. Consequently, her company,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Law, Globalisation & Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Law, Globalisation & Ethics - Essay Example With the world becoming a global village and globalisation is a common phenomenon, there is a complete need for the strengthening of the law and order in the society and also the society becoming ethical in its approach. With the increase of globalisation the rate of natural calamities on the world has also increased, and it has become a tremendous problem for the sustenance of mankind. It has even a long term effect on those who have survived from such deadly event. It is almost impossible to prevent such happenings but what can be possible is to soothe the life of the victims who have been affected by such events. This can only be done through the constant effort of the law and ethical orientation of the society. And it has to take place not only from the affected place but also from the entire world, which is actually the true meaning of globalisation (Sayles, 2008). UK’s International Search and Rescue Team is a special team which has been successful in many life saving operations throughout the world. It is been operating since the year 1967. To undertake rescue missions both in United Kingdom a well as abroad, it is registered under the British Government, the United Nations Secretariat (INSARAG) and even with the International Civil Defence Organisation. In all major events ranging from floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, war and missile attacks, the team has been constantly beside the victims. The teams have supported such victims in all possible way they could have done. They have saved thousands of life in such misfortune events. With the growing dangers even there is a growing need of such volunteers to be part of the international rescue missions. But it should also be checked that the law and the ethical conditions permit to such situations (British Civil Defence, n.d.). The fire department is one such department that has been one of the most valiant departments fighting with all odds to save the life of several people
The concept of attention Essay Example for Free
The concept of attention Essay How do you define the concept of attention?            The psychological concept of attention refers to the selective processing and concentration done by the brain. Attention is something that focuses on a particular aspect of the environment, while the others are being ignored or unnoticed. The attention of the individual is that part of the dynamic occurrences in the environment wherein the brain is concentrated on. For instance, when taking an exam, the attention is centered on the exam itself, but not on the people passing by the windows.  Hence, attention is a brain function that essentially centers on a particular event happening around the person. Although one’s attention may not necessarily on external and occurring incidents, but like the case of daydreaming, on things that are present on one’s mind.            The level of attention of an individual can also have its variation, from focused attention to divided attention. There are also instances when this attention becomes sustained or un-sustained, or even selective. Dynamic neurological activities in the brain occur, which enables the person to generate a particular kind of attention. Can attention be consciously allocated to tasks?            The attention of the individual can be consciously allocated to task, as the particular focus of a person can be something that is fine-tuned or dictated by the brain. As was mentioned, different levels and types of attention can occur, and tasks are effectively done if there is focused attention. Being primarily a neurological function, attention therefore can be a conscious effort by the individual, and if one so desires to focus attention on a task, then it is a possibility. The mere desire to commit to a task creates a certain kind of stimulus that signals the brain to focus on such task. This focused attention hence enables the individual to allocate oneself to that task dictated and determined by one’s consciousness.            The opposite of attention is being confused or distracted, and these psychological states can be something that is uncontrollable or unmanageable, in cases wherein the person has high physical stress or metal disorders. In such cases, then committing one’s attention to a task would be a tedious and difficult task, as there are other neurological activities occurring in the brain. This therefore removes one’s focused attention, and the attention becomes divided or alternating. What is the relationship between attention and cognition?            The concept of attention is in fact a cognitive process, and in this sense, attention then plays an important role in cognition. Cognition would ultimately be reliant on the focused attention of the individual, as this would determine the information processing and brain function of the person. In addition, attention is argued to have connections to the working memory which enables the process of recognition and retention, depending on the attention level of the individual.            Scientific studies would show the neurological functions are triggered or have direct relationship to the ability of the person to focus his/her attention in a particular task, which then establishes the relationship between cognition and attention. Cognitive processes can only have effective and sustained outcomes if the individual has focused attention. References Myers, David. (2008). Exploring Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers. Styles, Elizabeth. (2006). The Psychology of Attention. Hove: Psychology Press. Willingham, Daniel. (2006). Cognition: The Thinking Animal, 3rd Edition. United States:          Prentice Hall.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Hardships And Struggles In Sonnys Blues
Hardships And Struggles In Sonnys Blues Hardships and struggles come along as a part of being human. It is how one deals with these struggles and hardships that can either make or break a person. James Baldwins Sonnys Blues is a story that shows how people can react to the blues and how they can handle their own inner turmoil. It is a story that tells of the suffering the characters shared, the ideas that separate them and the music that finally brings them together. Yet the inner story is one of the narrators evolution from a man living in fear to a man who is finally able to embrace his pain and in this way rise above it. In James Baldwins Sonnys Blues, all of the main conflicts and struggles of the story sum up and are given resolutions in a matter of one paragraph (located on page 168 paragraph 3) creating a stylistic centre, summary and solution for the story. These main conflicts include: the internal conflict Sonnys brother goes through to keep his promise to his mother of watching out for Sonny, Sonnys struggles ( both internal and with substance abuse), and the race-related problems occurring in Harlem at the time the story takes place. In this essay, the importance of this one paragraphs impact to the entire story will be proven. It contains the resolutions to the main conflicts that accumulate throughout the story and creates a sense of overall hope when the majority of the story is about losing hope and the characters downfalls. In this paragraph, Sonnys problems are surely not solved, however it is obvious that he comes to an understanding with himself and is heading to the better place in his life. Sonny, the central character in this story, struggles not only with a deadly addiction with substance abuse, but also an inner struggle self doubt not only due to a likely case of clinical depression, but his brothers criticism over his career choice certainly doesnt aid matters. Statements like Sometimes, you know, and it was actually when I was most out of the world. (165) when Sonny was talking to his brother about his mental state is just one example which proves that Sonny was in and out of reality from time to time due to the depression. The heroine addiction is a positive for Sonny and is a tool that he uses to get out of the trap of the streets. Sonnys heroine problem only seems to be a conflict that his brother has todeal with as to how to help Sonny. The concern that his brother has about it seems to f ade away once he starts to understand Sonnys perspective on life. This sense of understanding is established in the designated paragraph. By the end of the story, Sonny is finally taken seriously as an artist by his brother and is applauded by all after his performance. Seeing Sonnys internal struggle and defiance to take his life seriously and become something of himself, his brother, through a series of events, starts to become detached from Sonny. The narrator, Sonnys brother whose name is never mentioned, has promised his mother to always look out for Sonny and let him know [hes] there (156). The significance of the chosen paragraph shows the rekindling aspects and a sense of understanding of his relationship with Sonny as he watches him perform. After years of criticizing his brothers ambition of become a famous jazz artist, the narrator appreciates and recognizes his brothers talent as an artist by calling his playing beautiful because it wasnt hurried and it was no long a lament (168). He feels as though he is fulfilling his promise to his mother to watch over Sonny by understanding the struggles and hardships hes been through better. Sonnys brother says I had heard what he had gone through, and would continue to go through until he came to r est in earth (168). The everlasting conflicts between these two brothers are obviously not resolved, nevertheless, the narrator has just begun to understand Sonny and sympathize with his struggles in this paragraph indicating an improvement their relationship. Another problem that both Sonny and his brother grew up with was the racial segregation in Harlem. The segregation is first introduced in the story when the narrators mother speaks to the narrator about the hardships their family has seen because of this segregation. She speaks of how the narrators uncle had passed away when killed by a Caucasian man, and how this had affected his father deeply. Till the day he died he werent sure but that every white man he saw was the man that killed his brother (156). This specific paragraph gives hope to this situation and the narrator believes that change is occurring and that [Sonny] could help [them] to be free if [they] would listen (168). In this paragraph the struggle for African Americans in Harlem and all around America at that time is not nearly resolved, however theres a resolution. It is the music that brought them together and the music that liberates the African Americans at this time. James Baldwins Sonnys Blues is a story that deals with many complications and struggles concerning family-related disputes, addiction, obligations, and segregation. In the end, none of these problems are completely resolved but are on the track of resolving themselves. In the case of the relationship between Sonny and his brother, it is clear that the relationships has had its ups and downs, however an effort is being in patching up their relationship and the brothers beginning to understand and appreciate each other more. As for Sonny, he himself admits that the struggle of addiction continues until the very end. However, Sunny finds a sense of self by the end of the story; he is an applauded jazz artist. The issue of the racial segregation in Harlem continues, but the narrator decides that the freedom of the African Americans lies in their music. This one paragraph doesnt reflect all of the struggles the characters have encountered throughout the story, but it shows the change that has occurred and also shows signs of hope. This one paragraph mirrors the moral of the story. The world wait[s] outside, as hungry as a tiger, and that trouble stretch[es] above us, longer than the sky (168). Troubles will meet us wherever we go, it is how we deal with these problems that can make or break us.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Cival War :: essays research papers
Abraham Lincoln and the Beginnings of Reconstruction Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, the rapidly growing white population and the equally increasing slave population had been heightening the conflict between slave-free Northern states and the slave-holding cotton belt South. Hopelessly divided over the issue of slavery, thirty-one million American citizens were in 1860 called upon to elect the sixteenth President of the United States of America. When the anti-slavery Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected on November 6, 1860, no fellow American could have even imagined what great burden would lay upon the highest office in the years to come.[1] Lincoln’s election was the ultimate trigger for eleven Southern states to withdraw from the Union and begin a desperate civil war that lasted for four years. Once it became clear the South could not win the war, the president was confronted with the question of Reconstruction, that is, to restore Federal authority and establish loyal free state governments in the occupied areas of the rebellious South. In the early phase of the war, Lincoln had favored a simple and rapid restoration of all areas conquered by Union armies. However, when Lincoln failed to restore the states’ old allegiances, he shifted his plan towards a much more radical proposal. By 1864, after the bloody campaigns of Gettysburg and Vicksburg have sacrificed the lives of tens of thousands men, Lincoln resolved that he would only allow slave states to reenter the Union if they supported both the abolishment of slavery and the establishment of black suffrage. In the months following Lincoln’s election, the country fell to pieces, beginning with South Carolina in December, 1860. Within four months, the states of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee had all seceded and formed the new Confederated State of America.[2] Was the secession of these states legal? Even more, was their secession constitutional? While the secessionists thought themselves to be fully within their constitutional rights, Lincoln persistently believed that â€Å"the
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Power of the Sun in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby :: F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby
The Power of the Sun in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby, there is a constant feeling of movement and the desire to get away. Nick, Gatsby, Wilson, Tom and Daisy all move, or have the intention of moving. Not only does this movement seem to foreshadow events in the book, but it also seems to lead to the conclusion that society as a whole in the 1920's was rather unstable and was undergoing constant change. Not all the characters move in the same way, and this shows how different their backgrounds and lifestyles are. The main movement seems to be from west to east. Throughout the decades man is said to be progressing through the steps of evolution and toward the setting sun, or east to west. The characters move in opposite direction from which the sun sets, which seems significant to the physical and psychological patterns of the characters. The two main characters that movement affects are Nick and Gatsby. The movement of Nick and Gatsby in this direction shows us how their personalities and feelings change as the sun goes down. There are also the various meanings that the sun has, that seems to map out, or affect their near future. The sun foreshadows Nick and Gatsby's actions and emotions, which in turn are affected by the many representations the sun has. Jay Gatsby is a character that the sun affects in such a way that it becomes a symbol of his ability to direct his will and, when put together with his dream, this gives him a sense of purpose. Jimmie Gatz was born in a town in Minnesota. After changing his name to Jay Gatsby, he moved to West Egg, Long Island in order to start a new life revolved around impressing Daisy. Here the sun represents a psychological belief that surpasses time and place, otherwise known as Gatsby's dream. This means that Gatsby's dream is so important to him that the sun rises and sets in the sky, but he still doesn't see the
Friday, October 11, 2019
Public Morality Essay
Public morality is often referred to as moral and ethical standards that are enforced in a society, by the law, the police, or social pressure, and applied to public life, to the content of the media and to conduct in public places. Public morality usually involves the regulation of sexual matters, which include prostitution and homosexuality, but it also addresses the issues of nudity, pornography, the acceptability of cohabitation before marriage, and the protection of children (Wikpedia, 2006). It has been suggested by some that there is a growing occurrence of over criminalization in the United States, that our police, prosecutorial, and judicial time, personnel and resources are being preoccupied with an overload in attempts to regulate public morality. The question has been asked as to just how far our government-sanctioned view of morality should intrude into the private lives of its citizens. If we think about history and what is taking place and has taken place not only in the United States but in other countries as well, it is easy to determine that there is not a phenomenon of over criminalization in this country and that, in fact, the exact opposite may be occurring. Government officials both write and enforce the laws of our society. As a consequence government, and those who comprise it, not only intones their own set their own morals and ethics but they are put into the position of judging those of others. But it is fair to ask whether or not true justice is inherent in this process. To address that question, it is first important to realize that justice is more than just law; justice is the product of morals and ethics (Kropotkin, 1923). Three philosophical outlines in particular can be used to demonstrate this correlation. Plato provides perhaps the most enlightening view of the concept of justice. Indeed, his writings serve as the basis for many of the later philosophers which would follow in his footsteps (Dantzig, 1955). In The Republic he gives us the basis of the existence of our modern-day government and the role of that government in ensuring justice. Through his wide-ranging discussion of the ideas of ethics and morality, however, we are able to establish that government is a man-made organization which enforces the desires of the majority, or at least the most influential, for the most part. Under this philosophical framework, therefore, government might not actually ensure justice but only the desires and wishes of the most powerful segment of our society. We can use either ancient or contemporary examples as to the successes and failures of government in providing justice. Given the various scandals and situations which have evolved over the history of the United States alone, the need for our governmental structure cannot be debated. It is our government which determines our actions and reactions. Nor is it debatable, however, that governmental structure, despite all of its attention to the concepts of ethics and morality, sometimes fails. There are numerous instances of such failures of course but there are also many instances of success. Government, therefore, is an integral if not perfect component of ensuring justice for our actions and deeds. John Stewart Mill and Immanuel Kant offer additional guidance on the concept of justice. Although seemingly contradictory, both Kants famous categorical imperative of reason and Mills concept of utilitarianism provide considerable insight to the inherent strengths and weaknesses of our concept of justice. While Kant approaches ethics from the standpoint that appropriate behavior is the result of social determination and that some thing such as right and wrong are simply principles which are inherent in human nature, Mill holds that terms such as good and right are defined on the basis of which behavior provides the greatest benefit to the largest number of people. Kant proposes instead that there is a categorical imperative in reason. All three of these philosophic views are important in understanding the role of the U. S. government in contemporary times. They prompt us to ask whether moral issues are an appropriate venue for governmental intervention. Should our government intrude on our personal behavior when that behavior does not compromise the welfare of others? The answer is that the sum total of our behavior does indeed impact others. That is true even when we are considering such highly controversial issues as sexual choice and reproductive rights. The problem with our government today is that it is backing off of the moral judgments around which it once revolved. It is not that our government is becoming more intrusive from a moral perspective. Indeed it is becoming less intrusive. If we look to other countries for guidance in regard to the appropriate role of the government in morality we can gain a better perspective of what is wrong with our own system. Japan, for example, is one of the most densely populated nations on the earth yet their crime rate is phenomenally low in comparison to other equally developed countries (Wertheimer and Adams, 1994). In fact, although Japan’s population density is approximately thirty times the density which exists in the United States, Japan maintains one of the earth’s lowest crime rates (Wertheimer and Adams, 1994). Its homicides are less than one-fifth of the homicides which occur in the U. S. , U. S. rapes are twenty-two times the number of rapes in Japan, and armed robberies in the U. S. are 114 times that of Japan (Wertheimer and Adams, 1994). Since ancient times the Japanese criminal justice system has placed an emphasis on traditional morality which simply has not been a component of the American system during any point in our history (Cooke, 1991). Although no penal codes existed during earlier Japanese history, there was enforcement of the moral code (Cooke, 1991). That same enforcement continues today both as a result of specific governmental intervention but also, and perhaps more importantly, as a result of societal concentration on acceptable moral behavior. In the U. S. , in comparison, we have backed off this concentration. We prefer to avoid the outcry of the few who are in favor of such moral transgressions as prostitution, gambling, and pornography at the risk of the majority. While we may consider such activities as personal choice, in reality, those choices affect not just the individual making the choice but society as a whole. References Cooke, Melinda W. (1991, Jan 1). Japan: Chapter 7E. The Criminal Justice System. Countries of the World. Dantzig, Tobias. (1955). The Bequest of the Greeks. Charles Scribner and Sons, New York. Kropotkin, P. (1923). Ethics, Origin and Development. New York: The Dial Press. Wertheimer, Linda and Noah Adams. (1994, Aug 18). Japanese and American Crime and Culture Compared. All Things Considered (NPR). Wikipedia. (2006). Definition of Public Morality. Retrieved April 22, 2006, from: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/publicmorality.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Demographic of Essex County Essay
Essex County is located in the North eastern part of new jersey. The history of Essex county dates back to 1666 when 30 families from Connecticut established settlement along the banks of Passaic river. Essex County was officially established in 1682 by east jersey legislature. Essex County is 129.631 square miles. The Geopolitical communities are designed by natural or human made boundaries (Maurer and Smith, 2009). It holds community safer for the residents and the governing body. Essex County is bordered by human made boundaries. The weather of the community fluctuates according to the seasons. The usual temperature throughout winter stays within 24 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer, it hikes up, and ranges between at 68 to 85 Fahrenheit. Natural disasters like flood, blizzards, snowstorms, heavy rains hurricanes, power outrage, water shortage common here. Essex county is the second most densely populated county in new jersey As of 2010 census population was 783969. The coun ty is made up of 22 municipalities which are widely diverse encompassing large inner-city communities. Essex’s county’s economic wealth is not distributed uniformly across all residents, with large urban areas that include a large number of poor and minority populations with 11.7% county families had income below the poverty level. As of 2011, 10.8% residents were unemployed. Essex County is the first county in United States to create county wide park system. As of now 5,745 acres of green space which includes vast reservations developed parks 21 one of them. The community has big golf courses and tennis courts In addition to this, there are seasonal community fairs and other community events that provide an occasion for community interaction. And there is provision for bike lanes. Fire department and police department renders excellent service. The waste disposal and pest control department maintains healthy and hygienic environment. There are community parks, swimming pools, sports clubs, and many other establishments providing amenities to support the physical and leisure activities of the residents. The community has a big golf clubs. In addition to this, there are seasonal community fairs and other community events that provide an occasion for community interaction. Interview with the Community health Nurse Melissa Garfield RN, BSN (telephone Interview) Conducted on 10/23/2014. Melissa works for Barnabas Health System at present she is a clinical supervisor who in charge of approximately 100 employees which includes registered nurses, respiratory therapist, occupational and physical therapist. They work very closely with the state and they are Medicare certified. What is your role in disease prevention, surveillance and health Promotion? What steps are you taking to alert the community to educate them? The role of community health has changed greatly over the years. We play a very important role in the community for prevention of disease and promotion of health. They help in preventing disease by community teaching and help early detection of a problem. The greatest challenges we face has nothing to do with the season of the year, it is with hospitals discharging patients more quickly to shorten the length of stay and the acuity of the patients in the community are much higher which necessitates the clinicians that are more skilled than ever. As of now they have to take care of patients with tracheostomy, peg tube feeding, long term chest tubes, nephrostomy tubes and ventilators and administer antibiotics. The job of the community health nurse is educate the family members how to take care of their loved one at home, and what to do when there is emergency there is always redundancy what to do when there is emergency. She gave the example of Hurricane sandy when they had to go visiting homes of patients who were oxygen dependent, ventilator patients and patients with special electronic beds and make sure they had electricity and if not they had to be moved to acute care center. For me that was the most challenging thing I faced in the community. This transcends any season. At the moment it is season change and we have to make sure our homebound citizens and senior citizens for getting flu vaccines and get them ready for winter making sure they have access to heat and hot water. Now we are also educating the community about Ebola. What ethnic groups do you deal with? Essex County is made up of very diverse race and culture. There is no single dominant culture or race. We have African- American, White-Americans, Hispanic, and Asians. They visit all communities in the county; they have escorts who are from the community who helps her when she goes home visiting. The only home they are not allowed to go is if they see anyone actively doing drugs, or drinking for safety reasons. What spiritual resources are available? The community health nurse has to respect every religion, culture and their way of life and traditions as long it doesn’t cause any harm to the individual. Essex County has churches of every denomination, temples, synagogues and mosques which are easily accessible. What are the five biggest health issues pertaining to Essex County? What is being done to educate the community for its prevention? Heart Disease including congestive heart disease. Cancer Stroke Septicemia Diabetes There are non-health related issues like homicide, violent crimes deaths injuries and mortality rates related to this are high in the community. The community health nurses organize community teaching in churches, senior citizen homes and in adult day care center and churches where they teach about diet, exercise, compliance with medication and follow up with the physicians. They also check blood pressure and sugars during this time. Making sure people in the community follow healthy diet is challenge as this county has very high rate of fast food joints. Are you adequately funded? What would you like to see more funding for? We are insurance and Medicare dependent and if the patient doesn’t have insurance then it is charity care. They organize fund raisers for cancer prevention. Every program is important to the community but more funding is needed for preventive care which in turn will promote health. What are some of the preventive programs organized Barnabas health comm unity services? The role of community health nurse involves educating the community in prevention of disease which in turn promotes health. Tobacco free living Preventing drug abuse and excessive alcohol use Healthy eating Injury and violence free living Reproductive and sexual health Mental and emotional well-being. They also have program called†what’s in your bag†where they collaborate with the pharmacist in the community check the prescription medications the patients are taking and make sure there is no duplications for example Norvasc and Amlodipine. They update the list of the medication they are taking which helps when they go to the doctors or hospital. They also assist in the community in proper disposable of unused and expired medicine. The nurse also teaches how to store medications especially narcotics. They also help in the immunizations of seniors especially flu and pneumonia and preschool children. The school nurse is in charge of making sure the school age kids are up-to-date with immunization. Are the health resources adequate in Essex County? She believes there are enough health providers; there are many hospitals, emergent day care centers and nurse practitioners all are very easily accessible. The problem is not enough resources she believes people not making use of these resources. There are many individuals with no insurance but they are never denied care. Essex County also has discount prescription card which gives 20% on prescription medication. What is the role of a community health in regarding to mental health? She is not specialized in this field but they do have separate division who takes care of these individual this team consists of behavioral health nurses and therapist. They do assess the patients if they need these services and refer them accordingly. Essex County has a big psychiatry hospital whose mission is to provide evidence-based care to promote patient recovery and return to community. Diet and Exercise Obesity rates have doubled among children and tripled in adolescents and adults. Also our community has very high rate of fast food restaurant. The main of community health nurse is educating the community on healthy diet and the importance of exercise. Our community has lots of parks and open spaces, sports center which are well equipped but under used. There also community swimming pools. The community health nurses do not organize any activities in regarding to exercise, but the county has many such program which begin in spring with cherry blossom festival, they conduct marathons, bike riding competitions’ and hikes and camp outs during summer of which Barnabas health is a big sponsor. Are they any nutrition deficiency in the community? Does the community provide safe drinking water? Most common problem are Vitamin D deficiency. There are many communities which live below poverty and many are homeless. But there are many organizations which help them like soup kitchens, food stamps, meals on wheels for home bound citizens, churches and many communities. Schools provide subsidized rate or free in some cases breakfast and lunches to the children. Farmers markets and community garden where one can grow fresh vegetables and fruits in summer. Tap water is safe for drinking which checked periodically and report of which is sent to all residents. 11. What is the role of a Community health nurse in relation to environmental issues such as heat assistance, cooling stations, pest control, waste disposal, and common air contaminants? Essex County has an environmental nurse that follows the Human Health Hazard Ordinance. This ordinance is for dealing with health hazards that are occurring on the outside of the home and could potentially affect other members of the community. They work closely with town and municipality workers. They inspect the homes for rats or any insect’s bed bugs. They also observe how the garbage is being disposed. Overall the nurse’s job is to see if the resident is safe in their home. She also checks if the patient is oxygen dependent there is nobody in the house smoking, from individual perspective she also checks if they have working fire alarms. They check to see if they have provision for heat in winter. There is very good waste management system in the county. They have garbage and recycle bins in all public spaces. The environments hazardous waste and electronic waste is being collected by the county once in three months from the community or it can be taken to the disposable center by the resident. The community nurse plays no role in this. 12. What kind of sexuality programs are available e.g. growth and development, STD and AIDS education, contraception options. Is there sufficient access to birth control, support groups for pregnant women and new parents? What are the statistics for birth rates, abortion and miscarriage? Essex County works with Planned Parenthood, the pregnancy crisis hot-line, the Family Resource Center and Early Head Start programs. There is disparity among child birth and teen pregnancy. Low and low birth weight among African-American babies born is higher than other racial/ ethnic group. Teen pregnancy is more in lower socio-economic groups. The school nurses provide sex education to the kids from elementary. There are many programs for maternal and child health. They support them and get necessary help needed in caring the baby and themselves. 13. How do you assist in disaster management planning? Are there other agencies you work with? Essex County nurses work with police, fire and EMS from all the cities and towns in the county. The nurses participate in disaster management drill a few times a year. Our other role in disaster management is to keep a list of personnel that may be needed to help when a disaster occurs. The list is reviewed and updated yearly. This list includes: Long-term care facilities Veterinarian Clinics and hospital Schools Churches Summer camps Parish nurses Home care agencies Water and energy facilities such a Alliant Energy Power Station†14. What are the Cognitive/ perceptual level of the community? The Essex County is home to large ethnic/ racial group. The main language is English but there is large number of residents about 20% of who don’t speak English. The community nurses use language line to communicate with the patient or somebody from the family who knows the language acts as the translator. Essex County is home to five public and five private colleges. There is a great push to change the education system and get the children back to school. The graduate rate is 64% for the county which is low comparing to other counties in the state. 15. What is the self-perception / self- concept in the community? Are the residents happy? I don’t know how to answer that. You know we both live in the same county there is big disparities how the economic wealth is distributed. There are large urban areas with poor and minority population, a nd some below poverty level. The county is doing a lot to make sure all residents have equal opportunities. Like in the library they have activities for senior citizens; they also have activities for school age and preschoolers. They play a big role ]in summer reading program. The county also has free coaching in summer for sports activities like tennis and football. Each community in summer organizes movie night. There are equal opportunities for all. In certain communities in the county the violent crime rate and homicide rate is high compared to other counties in the state. There is also big problem with substance abuse. Due to which emergency room visits for substance abuse are high in the county. The families living in these areas face dangers which causes stress. Role and relationship The people of the community continue to maintain respectful and healthy relationships with neighbors. The children are cooperative with one another and maintain respect towards elders and higher authorities, such as teachers. Local residents aid the older residents, especially during snow storm. The local police and firefighters offer innumerable services for the community. We ended our interview by her saying there are many services available in the community which the residents are not aware of. They also need more skilled nursing staff as the acuity of patients in the community is high. References: The county of Essex New jersey. www. Essex-county Essex county quick facts from U S census bureau. Retrieved from†¦/34013.
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